008 Two ficlets

Apr 10, 2007 06:24

Title: Wallflower
Author: blueanddollsome
Rating: G
Word Count: 135
Prompt: 008 Serenity
Characters/Pairing: Serenity, Mal
Note: This is my first time writing in the Fireflyverse. I hope it turned out.

Fresh off the assembly line, shiny and new, she had all the standard features of a Firefly transport, her own unique serial number, and a lot of spunk.

Those standard features got beat up and broken down pretty quick, though the number stuck around, crisp white paint turning grey on her hull. By the time she ended up on the lot with all the other used ships her spunk was long gone.

The other ships got sold, newer ones arrived, then they were sold, and so on. She just watched, getting tired, getting lonely.

Then he came. She would have called it love at first sight, if she'd ever heard of such a thing. He took her away from that lot, fixed her up, made her home. He gave her a crew. Gave her a name.


Title: Signs
Author: blueanddollsome
Rating: G
Word Count: 279
Prompt: 008 Library
Characters/Pairing: Buffy, Willow, Xander, mention of Giles/Jenny
Note: inspired by true experiences

"Is that really necessary?" Buffy asked, as she, Xander and Willow snagged their usual couches.

Willow glanced over her shoulder to see what Buffy had pointed at -- one of the many signs papering the walls that read, "NO MAKING OUT IN THE STUDENT LOUNGE!!!"

"Maybe Snyder's too busy signing detention slips to do his usual PDA patrol," Xander guessed.

"The Student Council put those up," Willow explained. "I heard Nancy talking about it. Apparently things were getting really bad with the... y'know... the lips and the hands, and the... etcetera"


"Other students were complaining," she confirmed.

"It's probably the couches," Xander speculated. "All long and comfy. Much more condusive to making with the horizontal than, oh, say, a utility closet." He glanced up at his friends. "Not that I'd know."

Buffy was suddenly a lot less comfortable in her chosen seating. "Much more public too."

Willow nodded. "Hence, signs."

"Do they actually work?"

Buffy's friends looked around and shrugged, letting the lack of amourous couples answer her question for them.

Later that day, Buffy made use the computer lab to print some signs of her own. Technically, she shouldn't have been allowed to, since she wasn't in the class, but she knew for a fact that Ms. Calendar wouldn't be there to call her on it. Therein lay the problem -- Buffy hoped to prevent such dereliction of duty in the future.

When she got to school the next morning, Buffy saw that her "NO MAKING OUT IN THE LIBRARY!!!" sign had already been taken down. But judging from the way Giles blushed when she greeted him, Buffy thought it was safe to say that he got the message.

001-010, blueanddollsome, mal, willow, g, btvs, serenity, ficlet, firefly, buffy, xander, giles/jenny

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