Two more prompt 008 drabbles.

Apr 10, 2007 18:27

Unlike my last entry, these two drabbles are pre-written. I'm not sure if they are acceptable, they are set in the Hyperion and the library respectively, but there is no actual mention of the place...
If they aren't acceptable, that's cool, just let me know.

Title: Face to Face
Author: Always_jbj
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 008 Hyperion
Characters/Pairing: Angel, Gunn, Angelus
Note Um... impending character death warning, I guess.

Face to Face

Gunn stared at the creature viciously shaking the bars of the cage. He turned, a cold shudder travelling down his spine as his gaze rested on the identical features of his friend. “So how’s this work again?”

“According to Giles it’s called a Ferula-Gemina, it splits you into two sides of your personality--one in each body,” Angel answered.

“So… if we stake him…?”

“Don’t know. Wesley’s researching that now.” With a groan Angel sat; eyes drifting closed, blood seeping through his bandages.

“Doesn’t matter,” a cold voice whispered against Gunn's ear, “you won’t live long enough to find out.”

Title: The Circle of Life
Author: Always_jbj
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 008 Sunnydale library
Characters/Pairing: Giles
Note: This is from my Days of Blood and Wine series. The rest of the series can be read in chronological order HERE

The Circle of Life

At a certain point in your life you turn around and realise that, despite all your efforts to the contrary, you’ve done the inevitable and become your father. This wouldn’t be such a bad thing for most, he assumed, but in his case the thought was sobering to say the least.

He stared vacantly at the desk, his words echoing in his ears until Buffy’s voice intruded upon his reflections--breaking the spell. Nodding his dismissal to the girl, he locked the door to his office before reaching into the cabinet for a glass and the well-concealed bottle of scotch.

001-010, gunn, giles, angelus, always_jbj, ats, btvs, pg, drabble, angel

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