Drabble, Blank Slate

Feb 17, 2007 00:27

Title: Blank Slate
Author: ashleigh (leobrat)
Rating: G
Word Count: 111
Prompt: New Season (001)
Pairing (if any): Giles/Anya

Blank slate, blank slate. The spell had been a memory wipe, a hoax really at best. But he hadn’t kissed a woman like that in years. A woman- ha, whatever she was. A frivolous teenager or a centuries-old demon, no woman like he had ever known. As winter’s chill settled over England, he missed his slayer, the woman he had come to care for as his daughter, and Willow and Dawn and even Xander sometimes, but Anya’s kiss stayed with him, warming him at night. He waited for the tides to change, for the winds to shift and carry her memory away, but the ghost of her lips on his remained.

001-010, anya, giles, btvs, giles/other, leobrat, drabble, anya/other

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