Drabble, Blank Slate

Feb 17, 2007 00:27

Title: Blank Slate
Author: ashleigh (leobrat)
Rating: G
Word Count: 111
Prompt: New Season (001)
Pairing (if any): Giles/Anya

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001-010, anya, giles, btvs, giles/other, leobrat, drabble, anya/other

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Comments 22

poisontearss February 17 2007, 06:16:53 UTC
I don't read much Giles fiction, and this one is very nice! I also like your style of writing. Makes me think Anya/Giles isn't as squicky as I thought.


leobrat February 17 2007, 14:35:45 UTC
Thank you very much! This is actually the first Jossverse piece I've ever written. I just cleared my mind and this is what came out!


blueanddollsome February 17 2007, 08:02:12 UTC
He waited for the tides to change, for the winds to shift and carry her memory away, but the ghost of her lips on his remained. That's just a lovely line.
I like your take on giles/anya.


leobrat February 17 2007, 14:36:34 UTC
Thank you very much!


boy_named_susie February 17 2007, 13:26:39 UTC
I love your take on that kiss and the imprint it made on Giles. The last line is amazing. Really well done.


leobrat February 17 2007, 14:37:24 UTC
That kiss was a thing of beauty, I thought, one of the very hottest kisses in the series! Thank you for your feedback!


slaymesoftly February 17 2007, 14:03:34 UTC
Nicely done.


leobrat February 17 2007, 14:37:58 UTC
Thank you!


scarlettlily February 17 2007, 14:21:43 UTC
Very nice look at Giles after he leaves and his little thing with Anya, they would have made a fun couple.


leobrat February 17 2007, 14:39:09 UTC
I loved the thought of Anya and Giles, Tabula Rasa was one of my favorite episodes for that reason. They had great chemistry. Thanks for reading!


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