006: Ghosts, Grapefruits, and Gilmores

Mar 23, 2007 15:47

Title: Ghosts, Grapefruits, and Gilmores
Word Count:100
Prompt: 006: Phantom Dennis
Characters/Pairing: Dennis, Cordy

“Dennis, you home?” Cordy snorted. “What am I saying, of course you’re home. I had… the worst day and-”

A bottle of peach schnapps floated over her head and she bit back a grin. “No thanks, Dennis. Nice thought, though.”

There was a slightly awkward silence and Cordelia started putting away groceries. As she reached for a grapefruit, her television switched on and she heard the unmistakable sound of a Gilmore Girls rerun.

She smiled, a real one this time. “Thanks, Dennis. You always know just what… Wanna watch it with me? Think Lorelei’s finally gonna wise up about Luke.”

001-010, cordelia, smurfyfredels, dennis, ats, g, drabble

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