Clem fic

Mar 23, 2007 18:13

Title: Too late?
Author: lilachigh
Rating: PG
Prompt: 006, Clem
Characters: Clem and Spike
Word Count: 386

Author: lilachigh
Title: Too late?
Rating: PG
Prompt: 006, Clem

He wasn’t sure how he’d ended up in Los Angeles. When he’d driven away from Sunnydale, he’d meant to head for New York. There was a great demon community just outside of Greenwich Village - or was it inside? He wasn’t sure, but it didn’t matter because he never got there.

His little red car lurched to a permanent halt on the outskirts of L.A. and he’d ended up joining a group of demons living in the crypt of an old church. They were great guys and girls; he would be the first to say that. The only problem was, they weren’t his guys and girls.

Or, to be honest, not one of them was his particular guy. Demons didn’t often make friends - life was too short to shake a tentacle - but he’d had one, a good one, and when the rumours began to circulate that Spike had died in the Sunnydale apocalypse, Clem had crept to the deepest part of the crypt and cried.

Then, only a few days ago, he’d seen him! Like, wow! Like, Spike was back, driving past in a big black car, looking just like - well, just like Spike. His best friend, alive!

Clem had discovered where he was living and had even gone to the offices of Wolfram and Hart. He’d stood in the shadows at the side of the big reception area, waiting patiently for the receptionist to notice him. It was odd, but in this law firm he didn’t stand out in any way.

Then he’d seen Spike, talking to a strange blue demon woman. He’d looked very busy. Clem hadn’t liked to push in. What if Spike hadn’t wanted to see him? What if Clem turned out to be a sort of embarrassment in his exciting new world? No, coming here had been a bad idea. Spike was working.

He left quietly but a couple of days later he changed his mind. He wanted to see Spike. He shook out the folds of his skin in a determined fashion and set out for Wolfram and Hart again.

It was very dark, clouds were fermenting in from the west. Clem reckoned there was going to be a storm, but that was okay. Once he was with Spike, everything would be OK.

001-010, spike, lilachigh, ats, btvs, ficlet, pg, clem

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