Dennis Drabble

Mar 23, 2007 14:01

Title: Stuck
Author: Sarah
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 006 Dennis
Characters: Dennis, Cordelia
A/N: Not eligible for voting.

He was always stuck. First with his crazy mother. Then bricked up behind a wall for what seemed like an eternity.

But then he’d escaped, been set free by Cordelia. Cordelia had been fun and sweet and sassy, and Dennis had to admit that he’d had quite a crush on her. For the first time in years he didn’t feel like he was lost in the cycle of unhappiness in which he’d lived for so long.

But then she was gone. And he was stuck again, stuck in an apartment that was even lonelier than before she had rescued him.

001-010, boy_named_susie, cordelia, dennis, pg, ats, drabble

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