004: Better Than (Badger)

Mar 12, 2007 18:03

Title: Better Than
Author: Tabitha
Rating: G
Word Count: 287
Prompt: 004, Badger
Characters/Pairing (if any): Badger, oc: Nigel

The only sounds in his ears were his own footsteps and his heavy breathing. Bloody heck, Badger thought, diving behind a stack of boxes. Chest heaving like the devil himself had been chasing him. Then he heard them. Six boys, all wearing the same style of ragtag clothes he had, but the seventh, he was taller than the other boys, with a fine bowler hat.

They stopped, circling around the tallest boy. "Right, come out Badger."

Right, come out , not bloody likely, Badger thought as he watched through the crack between the boxes.

"He's not here Nigel," one of the shorter boys said to the boy in the hat.

"Oh, he's here," Nigel said slowly.

He looks like a blooming Tiger with that smile, Badger tried keeping his breath even and slow. Closing his eyes he focused on breathing.

CRASH. Before he knew it the boxes had been kicked away. Badger's eyes flung open and he scooted back away fromthe sound, only to remember that it was a brick wall behind him. The gang closed in on the other two sides, closing out all hope of escape.

"What have we here." Nigel said, his eyes opening just a bit wider.  There was a small chuckle.

"Come off it Nigel, we don't have to do this." Badger stood slowly, hands extended as if he could push them away mentally.

"Course we do Badger, you know why? 'Cuz you're a right bloody minger* that you are. We're above you, better than."

The next morning he woke up in the same alley, taste of dried blood in his mouth and revenge in his heart. Someday Nigel... someday I'll show you who is really better than."

*A physically undesirable, smelly, or ugly person.

001-010, badger, ficlet, sl_podcast, firefly, g

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