Ficlet: A Season in the Life

Feb 16, 2007 17:47

Title: A Season in the Life
Author: blueanddollsome
Rating: G
Word Count: 284
Prompt: New Season (001)
Pairing: None.
Characters: Cordelia
Notes: I’ve never actually written Cordy before, but she was the one who called to me for this prompt.

Cordelia always loved this time of year. The start of a new season was a unique, perfect kind of experience. There was the anticipation, waiting for the special, extra-thick issues of W and Vogue. There was the enjoyment of sitting down with the magazines, studying the runway photos, and imagining how hot she’d look in each of the new lines. The gratification of going to the LA boutiques to bring her wardrobe up to date, and finding that she looked just as hot in all the new outfits as she’d imagined (and this was on top of the regular joy of shopping). And finally, getting dressed, going out, and knowing - just knowing - that no one in Sunnydale even came close to matching the sophisticated gorgeousness of Cordelia Chase.

This year was different. Cordelia’s magazine subscriptions had been cancelled. She only got to see the new summer styles when they arrived, in off-the-rack form, at the shop where she worked. She still imagined how she would look wearing them, but that didn’t lead to gratification. Only a gentle, lingering bitterness as she watched other women wear Gucci like it came from the Gap, asking her if the outfit made them look fat.

Cordelia told herself it didn’t matter. Soon she would be free of Sunnydale, its indignities, its second- and third-rate fashionistas. Beauty and style didn’t mean much if it wasn’t accompanied by money, not with this small-town crowd. She’d be leaving for LA soon, this time to stay. She’d work hard, and be discovered, and, dammit, she would make it big. And not because she was Daddy’s little girl, but because she was Cordelia Chase, and this was a new season in her life.

001-010, blueanddollsome, ficlet, cordelia, g, btvs

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