Title: Old Age
boy_named_susieRating: PG
Word Count: 200
Prompt: New Season (001)
Pairing: None
Characters: Giles, Buffy
Notes: This was inspired by the images from the upcoming season 8 comics. Not eligible for voting.
“Giles, I am *so* old,” Buffy moaned as she threw herself onto the chair next to her watcher.
Giles peered at her over his glasses with skepticism. “Yes, I can see that old age has you firmly in its grasp.”
“Okay, so I’m not as old as you…”
“At least you have that small comfort.”
“… but I am *old.* Do you know what I *said* today? Some of the girls were playing around with those new sun ray gun thingies, you know, the ones that look like a prop out of Blade. And I kinda snapped because they weren’t paying attention. I told them, ‘Back in my day, we used to kill vampires with *just* wooden stakes. We didn’t have all these high tech gadgets you’re all so dependent upon, nor did we have the capability to swoop in from the sky and launch surprise attacks. Just stakes and an occasional sword or ax, that’s it.’ You should have seen their faces.”
Giles laughed.
“Giles, it’s not funny.”
“I’m sorry, Buffy,” he responded, trying to look sufficiently contrite. “It’s just now I understand why all the girls were calling you Grandma Buffy when they returned from the mission tonight.”