Minor Character March

Mar 01, 2007 01:04


But we need your help.

boy_named_susie and I have already picked out the minor characters for the first prompt of the month. Naturally, because this is a COMMUNITY, we want to know who you guys want to write. So now is your chance. Please reply to this post anytime during the month of March with the following:

Verse: Character
Now, why do we need this? It makes it easier for us to find pictures. :)

So for instance (even though these aren't minor characters, it is just an example):

Buffyverse: Buffy
Angelverse: Angel
Fireflyverse: Mal
Serenityverse: - (if it is someone exclusive to the movies)
Buffy Movieverse: Merrick
Buffy Comics: - (again, someone in the comics, not in the tv show)
Angel Comics: Natalya
Firefly Comics: -

Etc, etc. Reply with as many as you like. So if you want to do 50 minor chars from the Buffyverse, go for it. And if someone has already said the minor character you were going to suggest, suggest it again. The more interest, the better. Remember, MINOR.

Minor, is kind of something that is hard to decide. Some minor characters did get their names in the credits as a quick flyby name at the bottom of the screen. Saying no one that appeared in the title credits won't work because major characters like Drusilla were never in the title credits. So I will say that a minor character is a character who was not integral to the story, someone who's role wasn't so expansive within the context of the series. It is hard to pin down a number of episodes too. Because one or two lines in a ton of episodes might exlude people. So the best bet is for YOU to go with what you feel in your gut is minor. Sarah and I have final say so please, suggest as many as you like. If we feel like they aren't "minor" enough (which seems strange, typing) then we will just shelf them for a prompt later on down the line.

Now, sometimes, even I can't remember all the minor characters so here are some Wiki entries to help you out:

Firefly Verse, Angel Verse, Buffy Verse

And April will be a different theme month, as will May. So keep an eye out because the first of the month, we will need your ideas! We can't make this community survive without YOU.

And don't forget, you have twenty four hours to get in a response to our latest challenge BEFORE

modpost, theme

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