Realistic Dreams, Chapter Eleven, part two

Feb 11, 2010 19:46

Paring: Jake/Bella (Twilight)
Rating: M

Here's part two:

Bella POV

I was sprawled out on the Cullens' coffee table as Carlisle looked at my foot after having stitched up my arm. I clutched a blanket around me, glad to be warm.

"You sprained this pretty bad Bella."

"At least I actually fell out of a tree this time. That should make for a good enough excuse."

"Your father wondered why you were in a tree, but he seemed to believe me."

"He's good that way."

He hummed as he looked my foot over. "Well at least there are no breaks. But you did twist it rather severely."

"Several times," I said, wincing as he moved it.

"Ve could you hand me the-" He stopped mid sentence as she was already holding out what I assume he wanted in her hand - one of those rolled up cloth bandages. He looked up at her and she grinned at him. "Yes, that's it."

I kicked her with my good foot. "Stop messing with him. He's helping me."

She laughed, shaking her head slightly. "As you wish little sister."

Carlisle chuckled. "You're going to need to keep this tensor bandage on for a few weeks. Come back in a few days and we'll change the dressing on your arm and see if we can't take your stitches out. Luckily you don't have a concussion, but you are going to have a rather nasty black eye."

"Figures I would give myself a black eye."

"Otherwise, you're fine to go home. Be careful in the shower with your arm though. Also here." He passed me a glass of water with two Tylenol. "Something for the headache."

"Thanks." I took them and sat up, using Ve's shoulder to get myself on the couch. The living room looked like a triage ward. Most of the Pack was there, getting something bandaged or sewn together. Fast healing rates didn't mean you don't get stitches. Jared and Embry were on the other couch, already patched up and trying to "recover some calories" by scarfing down just about all of the left over party food, plus a stack of pizzas Emmett was forced to go get. Colin and Brady had gone home to get some sleep, and Leah was shooting death glares at Jasper, who was wrapping her brother's chest with gauze. Paul was currently snickering at Quil's misfortune.

"It's not funny, asshole."

"Oh, it's pretty funny."

"No it's not!"

"Stop whining!" chided Rosalie. "Your leader told us her contacts said that, in the case of you dogs, we should cauterise any wounds that were from that reaver thing biting you." She was heating up the flat of one of those spatula things you frost cakes with by using a kitchen blowtorch.

"Is it my fault the thing bit my ass?"

Even from here I could see Rosalie trying to keep down a chuckle. "Next time be faster then."

"I'll show you fast." Quil's protestations dropped to mumbling. "Why do you have to do it?"

"I'm good at welding."

"You aren't welding my ass, woman!"

"Paul, hold him, Quil, lose the pants."

"This is some devious plot to see me naked!"

"Don't flatter yourself."

"Can't you just pour rubbing alcohol over it? Whatever happened to Polysporin?"

"Quil, stop being a baby and show the nice vampire your ass."

Quil shook his head in frustration before pulling his shorts down in back just low enough so Rosalie could see the bite, I presumed, since he was facing towards me and I was thankfully seeing none of this.. He jabbed a finger in Paul's direction. "You are so going to hurt for thiIISSSS!!!!" He hissed out the last part as Rosalie brought down the spatula, causing Paul to double over with laughter. "Fucking hell, warn me next time!"

"You might have flinched." Rosalie was still struggling not to laugh as she carefully taped on a compress.

"I hate you."

"Feeling's mutual dogboy, now go sit down." Quil shot her a look as he pulled up his pants. "Or lie down on your stomach, whatever" Quil left the room in a huff and Rosalie was finally able to burst into laughter.

Esme brought out more food for the guys and I managed to get down a piece of toast while watching the door idly. Jake, Sam, Edward and Alice had agreed to stay back and burn all the remains, and I really just wanted this to be over. Hour after hour ticked by and they didn't show up.

"Something's wrong," I said to Carlisle.

He nodded grimly. "Something is wrong. They should have been back by now."

"So what do we do?"

"I don't know. Ve is there anything you can do?"

She looked up from her lunch. "Well. We don't want to go out there blind. I'll have to look through his eyes. A moment." She closed her eyes and I watched as they started to flick back and forth. It took a moment before she gasped. "Volturi."

"What?" Carlisle's eyes went wide. The room suddenly went quiet as everyone gathered closer to Ve. "What do you mean Volturi?"

"Eight of them. Jacob and Sam are hiding in a ditch, praying that the clove oil is still working. Your children are trying to protect a newborn who surrendered."

"Why are they here?"

"There's a small woman speaking. Something about reports from Seattle. They were sent to clean up. She's ordering them to stand down so they can destroy the newborn. They are determined to save it."

Carlisle looked from Jasper, to Emmett and finally to Esme, before nodding to himself, a sadness coming over his face. "We can't risk them finding out about you Ve."

She nodded back. "They can't know of what's to come."

Carlisle sighed, sweeping a hand through his hair. "Tell Jake to get them to stand down."

She nodded, closing her eyes again. After a moment she spoke. "It's done." She paused, licking her lips. "I am sorry. I know you did not want to have to do that."

"Thank you. We do what we have to I suppose."

"We do. Thank you for your precaution."

Carlisle nodded, returning to the notes he had arrayed on the table. Another half hour went by before the front door finally opened.

All four of them looked worn out and streaked with mud, particularly Sam and Jake. They trudged into the house, Sam and Jake being uncharacteristically nice to Alice, letting her in first. She didn't look pleased.

I got up to go to Jake, only making it a few steps before he reached me and picked me up. "What do you think you're doing walking around? You fell out of a tree!"

"I'm fine."

"Your black eye says otherwise." He hugged me to his chest and I was unbelievably happy to have him back.

"Is she going to be ok?"

"Alice? Yeah. She's just... you know, upset. That girl they saved... she didn't have to die. But her and Edward would have never been able to take them all on by themselves. They appeared out of nowhere. The only reason why we're sure they didn't see me and Sam is because Edward read their minds."

I sighed. "I can't imagine she wouldn't be happy." I hugged him tighter. "Can you put me down now?"

"Are you sure? I mean, your leg-"

I nodded. He let me down and I hobbled over to Alice, who was slumped by the door. "Hey."


"You going to be ok?"

Alice nodded. "I'll be fine. I just realised this isn't going to get any easier. But at least you're safe for now."

"For now? Anything I should worry about?" I said with a chuckle.

Alice rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you know that with your luck you're going to fall into a sink hole or something next week."

I shoved her playfully, looking up to see Jake starting to doze off on the couch. "I should get him home."

"Please do, before he gets dog all over the upholstery."

I sighed as I got up to get him. "Hey there sleepy head, it's time to go."

Jake blinked as he looked up at me. "Yeah, I should be getting home, letting Dad know I'm alive and such. Did you get your stuff?"

"Quil got it from the tent."

Jake sighed with relief. "Finally, something I don't have to do."

"I'll even drive."

He smiled up at me sleepily. "You rule." Embry gave a cat call, causing Jake to launch a pillow at his head. "Shut up, you're just jealous because my girlfriend's awesome."

He got up and helped me to the door, as much as I let him. Edward saw us out. I couldn't help but smile a bit as Jake shook his hand, glad that they were getting along.

"That was a pretty nice takedown there Eddie."

"You did well yourself Jacob."

"I guess I can't punch you in the teeth for dropping Bella out of a tree then."

"I won't kick you in the face for almost knocking a tree on her in return."

Jake tried to keep a straight face but ended up laughing. "God we suck sometimes."

Edward wished a goodbye and we got in the truck and thankfully drove to his house.

Jake promptly fell asleep in the truck and slept the whole ride home, waking up when we pulled in the drive.

"You ok?" I asked as I got out of the car.

"Fine. I'm used to running on little sleep anyways."

"Well you can sleep some more now, and in your own bed too."

"And miss hanging out with you? I don't think so. You sure you don't want me to carry you in?"

I rolled my eyes. "I can still walk, I just have to mostly keep weight off it. I'm not helpless!"

"I know," he said, smirking at me. "I just like holding you."


"Oh, come on! That's adorable and you know it."

"Still an ass."

"Sure, sure," he said chuckling.

He got the bags out of the truck as I headed in the house, walking very fine on my own, thank you very much. As I got inside I noticed Billy didn't seem to be around, but there was a note on the kitchen counter.

Jacob put the bags by the door. "Dad?"

"He's not here. He left a note though."

Jake walked over to the counter and picked up the note. He began chuckling as he read it.


"Typical Dad. Sam called him and told him I was ok, so he got Charlie get the day off to go to the elder's lodge for a sports night with the excuse that it would give us time to get our stories straight. Says he'll be home late, so don't wait up."

I snickered. "That's Billy for you."

"Yeah, as soon as everything's ok, it's back to business as usual. I guess he just figures he's spent enough time worrying about... things."

I nodded and didn't press the issue. I know Jake wasn't exactly comfortable with talking about his mother, even through the eyes of his dad. Instead I slouched against the counter.

"So what do you want to do?"

I swept my hair back. "I don't know... I'm just relieved it's all over. That we don't have to worry about her anymore."

He slid next to me. "Me too. Bella, you don't know how scared I was when I figured out you had fallen."

"I'm fine Jake."

"I know it's just." He bit at the side of his thumb turning to face me fully. "I was right there, and I let you get hurt."

I scoffed slightly, "Like you could have predicted me falling out of a tree." He ran a hand through his hair and looked up at me with worried puppy dog eyes, and I grabbed the hand out of his mouth and kissed it. "Stop beating yourself up over this. I'm fine. Yeah, it could have been worse, but it wasn't. I'm too tired to be sad right now."

He smiled slightly. "Well... if you insist."

"I do."

"Alright then." He flicked my lips.

"Hey!" I shoved him.

"Watch it, that shoulder's tender," he said in mock pain.


"Well how would you like it if I shoved you around when you were injured?"

"As if!"

"Oh yeah?" He suddenly turned and was tickling me.

"This isn't shoving!" I said through laughter.

"It's good enough." He had me pinned to the counter and continued to tickle me mercilessly, until, striving to get him to stop, my lips connected with his. I smiled to myself as his hands stopped, but he didn't let go of me.

Instead one hand gripped the base of my neck gently while the other went to my back and he pulled me up to sit on the counter, continuing to kiss me. His hand ran up the back of my shirt to squeeze at bare skin and I felt heat run up my spine as my tongue slid against his. He pulled me closer to him and I could feel him hard in his pants. I pressed a knee against him and he growled, his hand quickly moving to my waistband and yanking on it, threatening to rip the denim right off me. I gasped and slowly he managed to push away from me.

"I uh-" He bit his lip as he looked down at me.

"Yeah...." I was breathless as I spoke, as was he.

"I'm sorry, it's just... after all that..."

"The fighting and the-"


"Yeah, the tension, I'm just... I'm so relieved."

"Me too." I found myself still unable to breathe properly.

"It was just really..."

" -Hard."

Jake looked down at me with eyes that smouldered as if he was going to eat me alive, and the he groaned low and deep in his throat, pressing against me before suddenly leaning off. "I'm gonna have a shower."

He practically ran out the door and up the stairs and I was left there panting. It was a few minutes before I finally regained the ability to breathe properly and slid myself off the counter. I hobbled back to the living room, plopping down on the couch and began fiddling with my hands. As much as I didn't want a sense of honour to prevent the physical aspect of this relationship, a kitchen counter was hardly the place to do anything. More time went by and my anxiety kept growing until it clicked that Jake's living room was a horrible place to be alone since that night a couple weeks ago. Exactly a couple weeks ago, now that I think about it. Aside from going to the garage, the only way to remedy this was to go upstairs to see if Jake was done his shower yet. I could hear the Jacob-conscience laughing as I got up, but I mentally reminded myself that I was not trying to see him naked, I just hated his damned living room. So there.

Using the railing for support I made my way up the stairs slowly, finding no sense in reinjuring myself by trying to rush out of the scary living room. Getting upstairs I could hear the water was off, so I headed towards his room, intending to knock, but was stopped by the sound of the bedroom door opening.

Jacob walked out, still dripping wet and naked except for a towel around his waist. I found myself frozen, gawking at his chest and biting my lip as I watched the water drip into the towel, my face going red as I remembered my conversation with Rosalie a few days ago. He finally looked up a noticed me after two steps, and I forced myself to tear my eyes away from his body and look at his face. His hair streamed down his shoulders and I found myself licking my lips as I met his gaze.

His eyes became chocolate fire immediately and I felt his stare drop to my lips and heard him groan, like he did downstairs, low and quiet, like he was fighting with himself internally. There was just the slightest twitch to his features, not the scary kind that showed he was near phasing but the one that made me feel like he was going to pull me close to him, that feeling that never got to be fully played out.

"I-I was just going to see if-" My voice died as our eyes connected again and I saw a kind of hunger I had only ever seen from Jake once, on the floor of my bedroom when we were interrupted. I realised he was still growling when it got ever so slightly louder and I feared I was going to fall over from the pull I felt from him. I didn't realise quite what it meant to be imprinted on until just now. My entire body went suddenly weak from want, images flashing through my mind of the false starts at sex we've had before and just how much I wanted this to come full circle. My head pounded and my blood boiled and my body temperature rose, but it was nothing like his. The heat coming off of him was more palpable than usual, causing his hair to get drier before my very eyes. I didn't think I'd ever be able to feel shame at anything I could do to soothe the sudden fire that had started between us. If he was going though anything like what I was, the fire that was going on in his eyes was pure hell.

Jake was breathing heavily through his mouth, trying to contain himself. He blinked a few times, his hands clenching and unclenching, until he finally opened his mouth. "I'm going to have another shower." He ground out finally, each word being said with precision lest he lose control. He spun on his heels and headed back towards the bathroom.


The word left my lips without my intention and he turned to look at me over his shoulder, not trusting himself to face me.

"You... you don't have to."

I watched his back heave and could tell in his eyes he was trying to find some sense of dignity or pride or fear of Charlie's shotgun to refuse me, but instead he said, carefully again, "Are you sure?"

He looked at me, as if he was begging me to see how ludicrous the situation was, how we've only technically been dating for two weeks, that even though Billy and Charlie were gone for the day there was no way to tell if they might just show up at any time, that there by all rights should be rings or flowers or... some sort of frilly shit that sex is validated with by Hallmark or something.

And I frankly couldn't care.

Instead I nodded and instead of knocking on Jake's door like I had intended I turned the handle and went in. I stood there unsure of what to do next while I felt him walk into the room behind me, somehow finding the coherency to flip on his stereo in case someone did come home so they wouldn't hear anything. The next thing I knew I was being lifted up and placed onto the bed, turned to face him and his lips were on mine again and somehow that only made the fire building in the pit of my stomach even worse.

His fingers wound their way through my hair and I found myself surrounded by Jacob, heat soaking into me, making the urge to disrobe even greater. I traced circles on his back, still somewhat slick from his shower, and moaned as he pressed himself against me. He didn't taste like anything but him this time, as he nibbled at my lips and licked against my tongue, causing my head to spin.

Somewhere in all of this my shirt got pulled over my head and I wrapped my arms around him, trying to gain as much skin contact as I possibly could. By some miracle he managed to pull away to look down at me with dark lidded eyes and ask, "Are you sure you're sure? Because if we keep going Bells I don't know if I can-"

I put a finger over his lips. "Jake, I want you to."

He growled low again and grabbed for my bra, leaving me barely able to undo the clasp before he yanked it off me, throwing it behind him. My pants went the same way, with me struggling to undo them before he ruined them, my panties going off with them. He reached for my socks and shoes, ripping those off next simultaneously, before tearing off the tensor bandage, sending the fastener flying across the room, pinging off the wall somewhere. I lay beneath him, completely naked except for the compress on my arm, and wasn't at all afraid until this moment, when his eyes raked over my bare body and I felt myself going red, wishing it was darker and not around noon suddenly. He ran his hand down my left side, his thumb brushing over my breast and sliding down to my hip, rubbing a circle there. I heard him whisper beautiful, and thanked whoever was listening for the spontaneous increase in cup size I had undergone in the past few weeks, and then he kissed me again, his tongue probing into my mouth and mine readily meeting it. While I was still nervous, I wasn't as nervous as I think I should have been, and I assumed that has something to do with the imprint and thanked whoever was listening for that too. My nerves were from... wanting to be good, not awkwardness. It felt almost as if we had done this before, despite our mutual experience being from pictures and previous fumbling.

As he gazed at me, I lifted a hand to his chest and stroked down it, until it connected with the towel, the last bit of fabric remaining between us and I began to pull. He lifted himself up so it slid off and then finally he was naked as I, and somehow I felt warmer for it. Hesitantly I looked down, sliding my gaze over parts of Jake I had never seen before, going even redder when I saw his size was comparable to that ridiculous porn Jessica brought to a sleepover once. Being over six feet tall had its advantages I supposed. Regaining some of that former courage, I continued my hand down, sliding over his belly to wrap around his member as best I could. Jake went board stiff, gasping as his eyes slid back into his head and his hips jerked towards me slightly. I marvelled at how hard and smooth it could be at the same time, and how it was the same colour as the rest of him, aside from the tip which was so red it was almost purple. After a moment he grabbed my wrist roughly, croaking out "Enough!" I looked up at him, going even redder if that were possible once I realised that he was stopping me because I was doing something right instead of doing something wrong.

He pulled my hand up and kissed me again, brushing a thumb across my nipple and stroking my stomach with the knuckles of his other hand. His pressing against me was more urgent and I could feel myself grow slick.

Eventually he pulled back and bent down to take one of my nipples into his mouth as he slowly brushed in thumb over my mound. I stared down at him, gripping his shoulder and near shaking as he stroked me lightly. He lifted his mouth away from my breast to lick his fingers before returning his hand to where it was, curling his fingers to finally touch my clit. My hips rose off the bed as I cried out, shocked that it felt this much better when I wasn't doing it myself. His fingers circled and I relaxed, enjoying the slow coil that was twisting deep in my belly, pulling his head up to kiss him greedily again. As I sucked on his bottom lip, he entered me with his middle fingered. I sighed, enjoying the full feeling, shuddering as he softly rubbed the outside of my pussy with his thumb.


His voice was unlike I had ever heard it before, lower and more gravely, like he was growling as he was speaking, and I felt heat pool in my chest as he looked into my eyes. I nodded eagerly and he positioned himself over me, gently rubbing his cock against me before gently placing a hand on each him. Giving me one last kiss, he whispered. "I'm sorry if I don't go slow enough... you're so gorgeous." I blushed and looked away, only to have my face caught in his hand and softly pulled to face him.

In one motion he raised my hips with his hands and slid into me until the base of his cock rubbed against my clit. Tears pricked at my eyes, more from the foreign feeling of being so full than from much pain and I gripped onto him, trying to accommodate him. He wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me close as possible, and I'd never felt so naked before in my life. I wrapped my legs around his waist and after a moment he began to move.

My vision swam in front of me. It still hurt, but only slightly, and the gliding and the rubbing and the friction was... exquisite. I moaned and that set him off. The growling intensified and his grip nearly crushed me as he began moving faster, ever so slightly, and all I could do was hold on as he pushed into me again and again and the coil wound tighter and tighter as my body tingled from the new sensation.

He nipped at my shoulder and my nails traced their way down his back, my hand resting at his lower back to encourage his movements. As the coil wound tighter in my belly I found myself in the strange predicament of not being able to orgasm. Jake's penis felt wonderful, as did his hand at my breast, plucking at my nipple, but the occasional twinge of pain throwing my rhythm off coupled with the odd feeling of being full and the newness of it all left me over stimulated. Determined not to be frustrated, I allowed myself to relax and enjoy looking up at him.

It was almost as good as an orgasm, watching him above me. He was by any term beautiful with his brow furrowed and his bottom lip clenched between his teeth, and I was amazed at how just a tiny motion of my hips could spur him on, right up to his full body quaking as I rose my hips up to meet him with each full thrust. I watched, lovingly through heavy lidded eyes, as his speed increased and his breathing became shallower, as his hands returned to my hips, gripping them like vices as he pistoned in and out of me. His whole body became tense and the thrusts became faster and faster, near slamming into me and I knew I'd be sore tomorrow but I didn't care because I was here now, and the fullness was becoming more pleasurable than ever.

His growls had turned into full on grunts and I clung to him, kissing his neck. I felt him become more tense than ever before, a hard sheet of muscle above me and I cried out as he sunk into and stayed there, gasping as he came. I felt impossibly full then as he emptied himself into me and stroked his back as he struggled to stop panting. We were both slick with sweat, and I was so deliciously warm that I could have stayed there all day.

After a few moments he gently rolled off of me and I groaned at the loss of contact. He kissed me on the forehead and smiled at me brilliantly. "Bells, you were... incredible." He stroked some hair away from my face. "Did you...?"

I knew what he meant from the look in his eyes and took a moment to answer, not wanting him to feel any different because I didn't come, because it was still amazing, but I eventually shook my head. "But it's ok," I said when his face fell.

"The hell it is." He pulled me closer to him, cradling from my side as he brought his right hand between my legs again, his fingers resting on my lower belly as his thumb starting to work a circle over my clit.

The coil began tightening in my belly against instantly and I found myself calling out and straining in his arms, opening my legs further for him. Without the foreign stimulation, my body responded easily to him and I groped my left breast wantonly, writhing underneath him as he stroked my clit faster and faster. Our gazes locked again and he licked his lips and spoke. "That's it Bella. Come for me." His words sent me toppling over the edge and I screamed my release, bucking against his hand until all I could do was gently rub myself against him.

"That's better," he said, curling me into his arms after I had calmed down.

I kissed his chest. "I love you," I murmured.

"I love you too Bella."

He pulled me close to him and I fell asleep beside him, nestled into his arms.

When we woke hours later it was already getting dark, but it was thankfully only around 9 so Billy and Charlie hadn't come home yet. Jake helped me dress, digging around his room for the lost tensor bandage. I laughed at him, as he couldn't stop smiling, but then, neither could I. We got my stuff and he helped me to my car, and this time, I let him carry me (but only this once.).

"Are you sure you'll be ok to drive home?"

I laughed. "What are you suggesting?"

"I could come with you, you know. And come back here later."

I giggled. "No Jake! You need to get some sleep and I'm sure certain... features of my anatomy could use a rest."

He laughed. "It's less fun to tell people that I made you walk funny when you always walk funny."

"Ha ha ha," I said, sarcastically, "Just because your brothers are going to find out anyways because of the telepathy doesn't mean you get to go around tell them things."

"I can't help it."

I sighed. "Good night Jake... and thank you, for you know, everything."

"Everything?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You know, saving my life, putting your neck on the line, that everything?"

"Are you sure that's everything in your everything?"

"Don't push it."

He laughed. "Sure, sure." My head throbbed suddenly and I clutched my forehead. "Bella-honey, you ok?"

I nodded. "Just a headache. I should be fine. See you tomorrow?"


I leaned out the window to give him a kiss. "Bye Jake."


I started the drive home, my head starting to throb a little more intensely. I shook it off until I got home, still smiling. I fixed myself a sandwich in the kitchen and ate it, but the headache still wouldn't go away. Finally I went up stairs with a glass of water, got two Tylenol out of the bathroom and took them before going into my room. I placed the glass of water next on my desk next to a book and a few pens and flopped down on my bed with a sigh.


"Oh, there you are Jacob-conscience," I said, knowing no one was home to hear me be weird. "I thought you'd be gloating before now."

Laughter rang inside my head. I can be nice. Sometimes.


So. Here we are. Bella the not-virgin.


So answer the question, Bells.

"Of course I'm happy."

Good. I want you to be happy.

I laughed aloud.

I have to tell you, I'm going to miss this.

"Miss what?"

Things. The way they are now.

"I sighed. What on earth can you mean now Jake?"

You. The way you are now. Innocent.

"I thought we just confirmed I was not a virgin anymore?"

Not what I mean.

"Then what?"

Simple Bella. You thinking I'm a figment of your imagination.

"You are a figment of my imagination."

No Bella. I'm not.

My head throbbed again. "Clearly Carlisle was wrong and I have a concussion."

Afraid not.

"It has to be that. The voice in my head is trying to assert its own authority."

The Jacob-conscience sighed. I can see you're going to make this difficult.


Yes. I didn't want this to be traumatic but you leave me no choice.

"No ch-" I clutched my head as it suddenly exploded in pain, causing me to writhe on the bed. I heard myself scream but the pain wouldn't go away, causing me to claw at my temple. Several more minutes of agony passed by until my head was clear again. I hissed. "What the hell was that?" I practically screamed.

I told you, I wanted this to be easier, but I'm tired of just sitting here.

I strained to sit up. Something was really wrong here and I needed to get a hold of Carlisle before it continued. But before I could reach for the cordless, something caught my eye.

I looked to my desk to see something dripping into my water. Looking up , there was a small puddle of water on my ceiling. "Just what I need," I grumbled. "A leak."

No Bella. Look closer.

Against my better judgement, I looked at the glass again and gasped at what I saw. The water on the ceiling wasn't dripping into the glass.

The water in the glass was dripping onto the ceiling.

Beside the glass the pens started to shake and one by one I watched slack jawed as they flew towards the ceiling. The water started streaming out of glass in two swirling lines before the glass itself went skyward, along with my books. Before I knew it the desk itself and everything on it slowly rose to rest against the ceiling, along with everything else in the room - pillows, blankets, my hamper, carpets, my dresser. Everything.

Once that had all gone up, the bed, with me in it, followed suit. I shrieked as we rose, but could do nothing to stop it and found myself rolling against the ceiling to avoid being squished. I braced myself for impact but it never came, and when I opened my eyes, the sight floored me.

I was sitting, curled up to the end on my bed, on my ceiling.

I rubbed my eyes frantically but it was still there. I pinched myself hard, but that didn't work either. I'm on the ceiling, I thought and tried to get it to sink in, I'm on the ceiling. But it wouldn't. It refused.

I tucked my knees under my chin, rocking slightly, stilly in pure shock.

"This isn't happening," I said and wished it would go away, but it didn't.

"This isn't happening," I said and tried to picture my room back the way it was, but when I opened my eyes, it was still there.

"This isn't happening.... This isn't happening."

Oh, but Bella...

It is.

fanfic, realistic dreams, twilight

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