Just spent the past few hours reading Dan's
Blogging Twilight, and boy did I laugh my ass off. Wow. I can really relate to how he was feeling while reading the books. Emmett is awesome, I should reflect that more.
But in trying to keep on top of things this time around, I'm starting Chapter 12 right off. I know what I want to do with at least part of it, so starting shouldn't be hard (the finishing, however... XD). So I've slapped on some of Lush's Oatifix face mask, got a nice tall glass of water, went to the bathroom, and removed the distractions. Let's do this!
Also, thinking of doing a Repo mood theme. But that will be for later. Writing is for now! I need to find a free photomanip program since my computer crash anyways. I recall seeing something about a program who's symbol looked like the Twitterbird on G4TV. We shall see...