Jul 04, 2012 03:16

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Comments 10

beetsbearsbsg July 4 2012, 02:02:53 UTC
Yo, I have been repressing (not really, but the idea DID cross my beautiful mind) some April & Chris feelings for the entire season. She has just been too nice to him.

Who else voted for Natalie & Orin ? *high5


stiffleaves July 4 2012, 02:11:34 UTC
ahahaha... did you read my fic though? it's kind of the opposite of nice

i was actually gonna wait with voting, but then lj was being a dick and i had to test my own poll. lj, i'm shaking my fist at you!


beetsbearsbsg July 4 2012, 02:15:57 UTC
did I post this somewhere else? I thought I was posting in the comm ?! Oh, I posted on your page. Embarassing.
I HAVE NOT read your fic...yet. I am reading an actual book (gasp!). Give me the title and I'll read yours though. I've been neglecting fanfic lately.


stiffleaves July 4 2012, 02:18:11 UTC
GO READ MY FIC, dude! It's April/Chris, after all! Here it is: Saturday Night and Sunday Morning


ballroom_pink July 4 2012, 05:46:20 UTC
Ann/Ben turns my stomach but I picked April/Chris as the oddest pairing. April is all dark and Chris is all light. Wait, Andy is pretty much all light but enjoys how unique April is while Chris has the same blanket reaction to everyone's darkness - April's, Ben's.
I can see Orin and Natalie actually dating. She's dark like her sister. At first, when I saw Natalie I though of Natalie Morales who played Lucy and, yes, that would have been a weird crackship.


stiffleaves July 4 2012, 08:29:44 UTC
I think you meant to leave this comment over in the comm? This is the weird back alley post because I couldn''t get the poll to work. Sorry about that!


americnxidiot July 4 2012, 14:58:39 UTC
Leslie and Andy are too weird for me. Even though they aren't that far apart in age, Andy is like a man child, and I think he and Leslie would forget they were dating because they were too busy eating candy and playing with balloons.

Natalie and Orin could totally happen. They both never really talk and they are both connected to April.

ETA: In fact Natalie and Orin would grow up into the "gah! death!" couple from Master Plan.


stiffleaves July 4 2012, 15:00:02 UTC
I think you meant this to go in the comm? This is the weird back alley post because I couldn't get the poll to work. Sorry about that!


americnxidiot July 4 2012, 15:35:33 UTC
lol oops! i ignored the post so thoroughly that i ignored the giant "ignore this post" title.


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