Jul 04, 2012 03:16

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beetsbearsbsg July 4 2012, 02:02:53 UTC
Yo, I have been repressing (not really, but the idea DID cross my beautiful mind) some April & Chris feelings for the entire season. She has just been too nice to him.

Who else voted for Natalie & Orin ? *high5


stiffleaves July 4 2012, 02:11:34 UTC
ahahaha... did you read my fic though? it's kind of the opposite of nice

i was actually gonna wait with voting, but then lj was being a dick and i had to test my own poll. lj, i'm shaking my fist at you!


beetsbearsbsg July 4 2012, 02:15:57 UTC
did I post this somewhere else? I thought I was posting in the comm ?! Oh, I posted on your page. Embarassing.
I HAVE NOT read your fic...yet. I am reading an actual book (gasp!). Give me the title and I'll read yours though. I've been neglecting fanfic lately.


stiffleaves July 4 2012, 02:18:11 UTC
GO READ MY FIC, dude! It's April/Chris, after all! Here it is: Saturday Night and Sunday Morning


saucydiva July 4 2012, 03:56:57 UTC
I thought stiffleaves and I were the only ones.


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