Good news! LiveJournal will review our posted fanfiction and tell us if it is okay!

Jul 22, 2007 15:40

Through metafandom, I found this exchange between a LiveJournal employee and the moderator of pornish_pixies.

In it, the LJ employee [burr86] says LJ will review our already posted fanfiction and tell us whether or not it could get us into trouble. YAY GRATE, right?

*takes deep breaths, centers mind on cat's fluffiness*

Leaving aside a rather important issue [LJ has no staff, trained or untrained, to do this, so it will either never happen or be totally screwed up], I am stunned anyone could consider this a good thing.

That fen might embrace this as a nifty development does not indicate we are idiots, however. It illustrates how desperate and confused we are. After the string of wtf? announcements from Six Apart, it would be a miracle if we were not.

Let's take a step back. Let's stop worrying about whether a not-18-yet Connor/Murphy story [points at self] will get us suspended and look at the bigger picture, which is:

Six Apart is still on an ongoing witch-hunt at the behest of Warriors For Innocence, who are anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-women, anti-abortion scumbags.

A journal of an admitted pedophile which contained zero salacious content [not even a curse word] was purged four days ago, along with others, probably not at all coincidentally one day before the recent "clarifications" by burr86 in lj_biz.

He was on WfI's hit list, but survived the Memorial Day purge because his interests were empty. This pedophile [whose desires would have been mainstream during the time of Alexander the Great, as he is attracted to young teen boys] said in his LJ he has never acted on his desires, and is never going to.

Using any possible test, there was nothing obscene or illegal about his LJ. He was suspended only because Warriors For Innocence has been demanding his suspension.

Six Apart, still deep in WfI's reeking backpocket, is motivated solely by its desire to protect advertising revenue, so any reassurances they give us are worthless.

Okay, when I said not to worry about your fanfiction? I meant don't worry about it right now, because WfI is in fact gunning for fanfiction. They said so a couple of days after the first WfI-driven purge.

WfI is currently busy successfully pressuring Six Apart to re-suspend journals that were restored after the Memorial Day purge. When they are done with that, they will have time for smaller fish like us.

What burr86 or any other Six Apart employee says will mean nothing once WfI threatens to show explicit Snarry to advertisers.

This is not about obscenity laws. This is not about keeping the Intranets Safe For Children. This is about Six Apart protecting its advertising revenue and nothing else. If you have anything in your journal that might be offensive to WfI and corporate advertisers, you could be next on WfI's hitlist.

As long as WfI plays the tune, Six Apart is going to dance.

I am [very very] painfully aware moving to another blogging service is only a stopgap. InsaneJournal appears beautifully impervious to the likes of WfI, but a couple of years down the road that may not be the case. We need a permanentish home, guaranteed to be free from commercial pressures, such as fanarchive. Nevertheless, I'm leaving LiveJournal because they suck so very hard I can't stand to be here. It will take me months to move everything, but move I shall.

Further reading:

A June 6, 2007 list of journals suspended on Memorial Day, then re-instated, shows many are once again suspended.

How to back up your lj with lj-archive, and copy entries to another journal site using lj-sec.

Fans discuss WfI's continued harassment of Six Apart. Their speculation on June 18th, that LiveJournal would continue suspensions, only on a smaller sneakier scale, turned out to be correct.

Telesilla looks at things from the standpoint of a consumer.

Warriors for Innocence claims Six Apart lost advertising revenue due to content.

lj: 2007 pedophile witch-hunt

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