Title: the Boys of Melrose Part: 19/20 Rating: 14A Words: 2,592 Disclaimer: Fiction Summary: football as punishment. A match made in heaven? No but a match it is.
Title: Boys of Melrose Part 18 Rating: 14A Words: 1,524 Disclaimer: Fiction Summary: football as punishment. A match made in heaven? No but a match it is.
Title: the Boys of Melrose Part: 17 Rating: 18A Words: 1,957 Disclaimer: Fiction Summary: football as punishment. A match made in heaven? No but a match it is. Previous chapters can all be found here
Title: the Boys of Melrose Part: 16 Rating: 14A Words: 3,102 Disclaimer: Fiction Summary: football as punishment. A match made in heaven? No but a match it is.
AN: well this turned out longer than I aimed and barely had the dinner in it...
Title: the Boys of Melrose Part: 15 Rating: 14A Words: 1,919 Disclaimer: Fiction Summary: football as punishment. A match made in heaven? No but a match it is.
AN: This part ended up being longer than I expected so expect part 16 in a day or so.
Title: It wasn’t meant to feel like this Author: Hyyp Chick Pairing: Fernando Torres/Steven Gerrard Rating: PG Disclaimer: The good bits are lies the bad bits are true. Summary: Post Fulham-Chelsea.