SIFF breakfast party, no brunch, a film and food with family, another film, visiting parents

May 20, 2018 22:42

This morning, I went to the SIFF Lounge for a breakfast party. There were quite a lot of good pastries and the like, and a few different things to drink. It was fun. Unfortunately, "J" couldn't go with me because she had a phone appointment that partially overlapped the party.
It would have been nice to go to brunch too, but the connection would have been too tight with the 3:30 pm film, so we passed.
Update: Later we found out that, with the exception of "M", everyone else in our brunch group also had to skip brunch. And most of us failed to let M know in advance; that was rude of us.
At 3:30 pm, we went to the Chinese film People's Republic of Desire with my brother and sister-in-law. She liked it a lot, and my brother liked it somewhat, but neither J nor I were much impressed. So although it was a disappointment to us, at least our invited guests liked it. We went to Pagliacci for pizza after; it was good.
At 6:30 pm, J and I went to the Turkish film Butterflies. It was almost like two parallel movies with the same characters: a strong, serious family drama, and a silly, lowbrow comedy. I enjoyed both sides of the film a lot; J liked the drama side, but was less impressed with the comedy.
Both films were in Bellevue at Lincoln Square, so we visited my parents briefly. We also gave "T" a ride home.

film 201x, food, party, family

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