Sheppard_hc Summer Pic-Fic Challenge: Cauldron

Sep 02, 2013 15:08

Title: Cauldron
Author: stella_pegasi
Rating: PG, Gen
Character(s): John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, others
Spoilers: Set after Season 5
Word count: ~10,000
Disclaimer: I do not own them, I would have treated them better.
Summary: Sheppard and McKay go off-world to visit an Ancient Outpost located on a world with a secret.

Written for sheppard_hc's Summer Pic-Fic Challenge
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sheppard_hc, action/adventure/, author: stella_pegasi, whump, character: ronon dex, challenge, character: richard woolsey, character: john sheppard, fic, character: evan lorne, character: radek zelenka, pg, character: rodney mckay, carson beckett, original characters

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Comments 25

black_raven135 September 2 2013, 19:32:20 UTC
BTW did I mention how cool your graphic is?


stella_pegasi September 2 2013, 20:00:34 UTC
Thanks! Love making these story banners...


tavabean September 2 2013, 23:02:05 UTC
Thanks for the great hc story!


stella_pegasi September 5 2013, 00:16:00 UTC
You're welcome, so glad you enjoyed!

Thanks so much for your comment.


titan5 September 2 2013, 23:25:00 UTC
Stupid computer just deleted my comment so let me try again (if I can remember it all). Great John and Rodney moments. Rodney was definitely himself when he was insisting on gathering data while a volcano tries to erupt around them. He gets a little obsessive sometimes.

Loved Lorne refusing to give up the search. Their frustration and building tension was very real as they tried to find the missing jumper. Loved the way you tied the story to the setting. AWESOME job on the merged pictures - wish I could do stuff like that.

Nicely done!!!!!


stella_pegasi September 5 2013, 00:23:44 UTC
Thank you so much. Rodney is always about the science, and Sheppard is always about saving him. I really loved the pic prompt, it gave me such a focus to concentrate on.

Really appreciate your comment. Thanks!


amycat8733 September 2 2013, 23:53:23 UTC
Nice! Great whumpy tale! Poor John never gets a break. Oh, wait, that's the problem is he gets too many!


stella_pegasi September 5 2013, 00:26:55 UTC
black_raven135 and I were just joking the other day about the whumping of Sheppard and how if this was RL...he be in a rehab somewhere.

Glad you enjoyed. I really appreciate your comment.



dernhelm62 September 3 2013, 02:43:57 UTC
Lol! I loved the whumpiness and the Canadian comment! Always a pleasure reading your stories. Very creative way for some shep whump. Sheppard/McKay friendship, never gets old. Thanks for this little gem. Look forward to more.


stella_pegasi September 5 2013, 00:30:09 UTC
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your comment. I haven't had time to write a lot of SGA for a while and I really missed it. Hoping to write more this fall, feel the need to whump Sheppard just a bit more!

Thanks again!


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