Stargateland Challenge

May 04, 2011 14:38

Stargateland challenge provided 100 prompts, which we could write a one sentence fic or make an icon. Members could either submit their entry alone, or work with a buddy. Due to an erratic RL scheude at the moment, I chose to be my own buddy. That required anwering 25 prompts.

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team atlantis, author: stella_pegasi, character: ronon dex, challenge, stargateland, character: john sheppard, character: evan lorne, character: david parrish, character: carson beckett, character: teyla emmagan, character: rodney mckay

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Comments 4

sherry57 May 4 2011, 19:06:16 UTC
These are all so good hon! Impossible to chose favourites....the list would be too long! Great work hon!


stella_pegasi May 4 2011, 19:17:21 UTC
Thanks! I thought about you when I wrote,'blood dripping from his wound'...knew you would like the whump!!!!

Glad you enjoyed them and thanks for commenting!!!


leesa_perrie May 26 2011, 17:17:49 UTC
Lovely work, I enjoyed reading these! So many good ones!!


stella_pegasi May 26 2011, 20:09:23 UTC
Thanks, so much. This was a fun challenge.


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