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Comments 17

sg_buddy October 21 2010, 05:38:32 UTC
SHINY ! ! ! ! You've captured some great frames and moments, I totally agree with you there were some GREAT shots in this episdes, it's my favourite too (even though we've only had 3).

Gillian Foster owns Cal. He owes her big time. I am not sure she betrayed "Cal's "loyalty" to Walloski at the same time."
-> Gillian does not owe Walloski anything... she tried to keep Cal out of it but he's too stubborn. Her priority was Cal, if she had choosen not to indulge him, Walloski would have been collateral damage of the Cal/Gillian fallout because of her own 'loyalty to a fault' to her own partner and because of Cal's stuborness (I assure it makes sense in my mind ;-)

Anyway, I enjoyed the tension and the angst immensely. Haven't been stuck to my screen like that for a while, and I'm really curious about the 'morning after' lol ;-) I sure hope there will be a clash!
I watched the new Kelli's interview from Fox, and yeah I expect soemthing lol!
And it was so good to have Kelli have such a strong part in this ep, she rocked it!!! <3


stefany0503 October 21 2010, 21:01:44 UTC
Thank you!
I agree, even though we've only had 3 episodes, it's my favorite! Althought, I think I'll put this one at the same level as 'Sweet sixteen' in my opinion, it was very good!

she tried to keep Cal out of it but he's too stubborn. Her priority was Cal, if she had choosen not to indulge him, Walloski would have been collateral damage of the Cal/Gillian fallout because of her own 'loyalty to a fault' to her own partner and because of Cal's stubornessI totally agree, and that's what I tried to explain ^^ and fail apparently ! LOL ( ... )


sg_buddy October 22 2010, 03:45:18 UTC
...ou j'ai lu trop vite lol, je suis encore trop *high* par rapport à cet ep et à ton picspam :-D

roooh j'ai cru comprendre qu'elle allait plus tenir tête à Cal (voire 'go rogue' lol ça serait excellent, après 'gangsta Gillian', 'rebel Gilian' ;-) bref j'ai HATE HATE HATE!!!
Et pourvu qu'elle continue à avoir son screen time sérieux, j'accroche trop au perso, même si jadore Cal... et si on pouvait en apprendre encore plus sur leur passé, ce qui les a rendu "eux" ça serait tip top (comment ça j'en demande trop?).

et je ne sais pas pourquoi je suis passée en français mais ce n'est pas grave!

Je me sauve, Lindsay!bit** m'attend hé hé ;-)


stefany0503 October 25 2010, 00:52:45 UTC
roooh j'ai cru comprendre qu'elle allait plus tenir tête à Cal

Apparement c'est ce qu'il va se passer ! XD J'espère aussi qu'on y aura droit!

Je me sauve, Lindsay!bit** m'attend hé hé ;-)


addisonislove October 21 2010, 09:21:15 UTC
There are absolutely amazing.
Adore the colouring <3


stefany0503 October 21 2010, 21:02:10 UTC
Thank you ! :)


baby8love October 21 2010, 14:04:05 UTC
at the risk of sounding repetitive, your icons always make me smile :)

also, kelli's eyes are SO clear in some of these pics. so much pretty!

great job, as usual!


stefany0503 October 21 2010, 21:04:10 UTC
Ahah thank you so much ♥

I noticed that the lightening was different in that episode, it made things look more beautiful, including Kelli's eyes ! XD


antomar October 21 2010, 14:29:46 UTC
your picspams is incredible, i love it very very much and I love also your comment on episode.
I agree everything


stefany0503 October 21 2010, 21:05:00 UTC
Thank you very much! <3
I'm glad you enjoyed it! XD


(The comment has been removed)

stefany0503 October 21 2010, 21:06:36 UTC
You crack me up!
Thank you! ♥♥


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