Lie to me* - 303 - Dirty Loyal - Picspam !

Oct 21, 2010 06:40

#001 - What's wrong with you ? Uh oh.

#002 - You want me to stay out of it.

#003 - What your partner did on that tape, is the begining of the end for both of you.

#004 - You mean clean like you ?

#005 - Eyewitness.

#006 - You keep doing that! And it just gets funnier and funnier.

#007 - Matching ink.

#008 - He's even picked sides.

#009 - Oh you wanted me to lie. I see now.

#010 - She's known all along.

#011 - Walloski or your partner.

#012 - She's been coached. Or maybe she's clean.

#013 - I'm not going anywhere Gill, so let's have it.

#014 - Yeah, she's clean as a whistle.

#015 - You did what you could.... and more.

#016 - I didn't do it for you.

Partners & Loyalty :
Several points are adressed in this episode about loyalty and what does it mean to be loyal to someone with whom you pratically share your life with, a partner, and how far you're willing to cover for him/her. Cal&Gillian are partners, they have been for years. They see what other people are unable to see/understand, that's why they are so close to each other, they share something unique.

Gillian tried to warn Cal about Walloski when he first started seeing her... But now that Walloski's under the radar because of his partner's behavior, Gillian just wants Cal to stay out of it. One problem though, he's too much involved with her to stay out of it.
We don't really know what kind of feelings Cal has for Walloski... The only thing we can assume is that his feelings are important enough for him to question/compromise his partnership with Gillian. Since he feels she's not backing him up because she's investigating Walloski seriously instead of trusting him, he feels she's beeing disloyal. But she's not. Quite the contrary since she's the one trying to protect him, taking the case seriously.

"What, you mean clean like you ?" - People have been wondering why Cal said that to Gillian... I think that Cal is kinda pissed that he made a bad judgement of character regarding Walloski and that Gillian was right (again?!) about her from the begining. I think this comment is similar to the 'mother superior' comment in a way, because he's trying to prove her wrong, or to find something wrong about her, that he wouldn't approve or like, so that he could be the one being right for once, so that he could bring her down from that piedestale he puts her on.

Cal and Gillian investigate the case together despite their differences. There's tension, they don't agree with each other... but despite all that, we're served with some great images throughout the episode : Gillian behind Cal's back is a way to nicely tell us that metaphorically, she knows everything about him without him knowing... And that she has his back no matter what. Later confirmed with the lovely image of Cal getting punched and Gillian running towards him and helping him getting up... Even though they're fighting, even though they don't agree with each other, she's there for him no matter what.
That's loyalty.
Walloski & Farr were loyal to each other : he gave up his son instead of his partner, she didn't say anything about what she knew.
When Foster is given an ultimatum : Walloski or Cal, she's being loyal to Cal by telling about Walloski, but betraying Cal's "loyalty" to Walloski at the same time. In the episode, only Cal was the one disloyal to Gillian.

'It's kind of ironic, from where I'm standing.' : Walloski being a dirty cop or not depends on Gillian's statement to IA. When Cal is asking Gillian to lie about her satement, because he would have done the same thing for his partner, he's asking her to lie for Walloski, to be loyal to her. But Walloski isn't Gillian's partner, Cal is. That's why Gillian's hurt. Because at this moment, Cal puts her down to the same level as Walloski. And to show him that he's wrong to do so, she's being loyal to him. She's teaching him a lesson : 'Yes, she's clean, as a whistle.', because she does the right thing.

I really think it's a very good episode! Favorite episode of S3 so far! The case was so well written, and the episode was so amazingly filmed, it looks like a moovie! I like Walloski a lot! She's very, very interesting, and I love what she brings to the Lightman/Foster realtionship! I can't wait to see more of that! XD

|| Don't alter, these are not bases.
|| Enjoy ! ♥
|| Comments are ♥

character : gillian foster, graphics : picspam, ship : cal&gillian, show : lie to me

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