Really, they even make this routine with the laundry dull, here.
[Everyone's clothes are gone, and Gilbert is being snide. Nothing has changed anywhere, except that he might sound a trace terser, a trace more theatrical, today:]
Maybe it's therapy. They'll do it often enough, and we'll all have no problem sitting naked in the cold. And then we'll
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Comments 55
Of course. And I'd rather you continued in only English.
[Says the kid who ended his stay there nearly freezing himself to death, but hey.]
I wanted to ask you about the laundry, though, doctor.
[And then English:]
They did laundry the same way when you were a patient, didn't they? That's what I wanted to ask about -- since you've gone through it yourself --
[You could almost count his tone as sweet here, if it weren't so artificial, openly prodding. It sounds unsure whether it wants to be mocking or flirtatious.]
Who is Doctor Laforet, Gilbert?
I wish I could give you a blanket.
[Trailing off purposely there, perhaps.]
I thought you'd worry more over clothes than the blankets.
I am concerned about both. There is little I can do either way. [In reality, he thought a blanket would be more comforting.]
[There's only a soft sniff of recognition at the comment on the blankets, now, as his tone stays quite dry:]
But he acts as qualified as the other doctors I've met.
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