Really, they even make this routine with the laundry dull, here.
[Everyone's clothes are gone, and Gilbert is being snide. Nothing has changed anywhere, except that he might sound a trace terser, a trace more theatrical, today:]
Maybe it's therapy. They'll do it often enough, and we'll all have no problem sitting naked in the cold. And then we'll
Read more... )
Of course. And I'd rather you continued in only English.
[Says the kid who ended his stay there nearly freezing himself to death, but hey.]
I wanted to ask you about the laundry, though, doctor.
[And then English:]
They did laundry the same way when you were a patient, didn't they? That's what I wanted to ask about -- since you've gone through it yourself --
[You could almost count his tone as sweet here, if it weren't so artificial, openly prodding. It sounds unsure whether it wants to be mocking or flirtatious.]
It's not exactly a pleasant experience. I'm aware. What are you driving at, Gilbert?
Because it's hard to think about anything but the cold -- did you just stay in your cell and ignore it? Or did you wander around without anything on?
[An almost contemplative break, but he sounds just as not-quite-warm as he did before, when he goes on:]
Did you enjoy watching them strip your cellmate in front of you?
[And another laugh, this time clearer, and with more genuine amusement in his voice.]
No, I certainly didn't enjoy that much. I don't think anybody really does.
[There's a hum after Huey's last answer, sounding even more amused than the laughter he's getting. Though also vaguely unconvinced.]
Your cellmate must not have helped you keep warm, then. Since you were fighting over your pillows...
What about now? [More vagueness!]
I wasn't fighting, and it was not my cellmate either. Just another patient, who decided to take a walk, try to smother me in my sleep, and walk away with a pillow. Some people have strange priorities.
My roommate, on the other hand, could hardly help much. He had to suffer a severe beating on his first day here, by other patients. Staff wasn't there in time to help him.
And now? What do you mean?
And you came to work here, since they were so good at letting us be beaten and smothered?
[He pauses to tone down the sarcasm a little, though:]
I mean -- now you go around dressed while we're all being 'humiliated.' You doctors hold treatments, like you don't know what's going you enjoy getting to be on the other side of it all? Seeing everyone play modest for you?
Some of the other doctors get a thrill from it, you know.
That wasn't exactly the reason. Honestly, I wasn't so quick to accept the request for me to return. I've learnt a lot here, though, so in the end, I guess it was both a bit of an obligation, and a bit of interest.
[Annnd let him think about that question for a moment.]
Is that how you imagine us?
It's not 'imagining.'
[Not a question. :|]
The ugly part's the way you pretend it's all you can do.
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