I have just come up with the MOST cunning plan in the history of plans!

May 24, 2008 22:48

My loved people who dwell in the wonderful areas of NY and my favorite city across the pond, London.

Let's have an Event shall we? Let's wave at each other across those thousands of miles dressed as best as we can, thus in a small way talking over that time and space.

I propose to you The International Telectroscope wave!

On June 7th

NYC area people meet up at the telectroscope at 2pm.

London area people meet up by it at 7pm your time.

Then in an odd way via the telectoscope we are all meeting up at once and can wave at one another!

For any NY area people who come there will be more stuff to do after this.

London people you should go to Around The World In 80 Days, from White Mischief afterward (http://www.brassgoggles.co.uk/brassgoggles/?p=814#comments) perhaps this can be your pre-event before the event.

This could be the first of its kind. I have already emailed the site about it and so far they seem to love the idea.

Bring your cameras this could be a great deal of fun.
So... who's in?


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