Primeval fic: Timing is everything

Feb 16, 2016 22:08

Title: Timing is everything

Word count: 100

Author: Stealingpennies

Characters: Becker/Connor

Rating: U
Written for P100 challenge 458: The Emergency Services


Connor stared out of the window for the umpteenth time.

“Keep doing that, it’ll be sure to make them come quicker,” remarked Becker causing Connor to flush and drop the handful of curtain he had been holding up.

“Sorry,” he muttered.

“You should be,” said Becker. He pulled Connor towards him to take the sting out of the words.

“It’s just I worry that they won’t get here,” said Connor, snuggling against Becker’s chest.

“They will,” soothed Becker. “Trust me. Everything will be alright.”

And, true to their promise, Dominoes delivered exactly on time for the start of Dr Who.


becker/connor, primeval, drabble

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