Primeval fic: Post-mortem

Dec 02, 2014 14:59

Title: Post-mortem

Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Lester

Written for P100 challenge 395: The writing on the wall

AN: Definitely need a time-turner. Move right along because this is completely dashed off between other stuff. However, am determind that I will complete this P100 year.

This is how the world ends. )

lester, primeval, gen, drabble

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Comments 19

dreamer_98 December 2 2014, 16:27:10 UTC
Lovely, heartbreaking look into Lester's marriage. Hopefully the second time around will be better.


stealingpennies December 7 2014, 22:51:59 UTC

Thanks. Yes, at any rate, I can't see Lester making the same mistakes twice.


knitekat December 2 2014, 19:17:10 UTC
That sounds like Lester, hopefully he's learnt from his mistakes.


stealingpennies December 7 2014, 22:53:12 UTC

*g* This time he'll make different mistakes!! But hopefully they won't be marriage-breaking ones.


knitekat December 8 2014, 20:14:54 UTC
Hopefully not, especially if his relationship is with another member of the team.


adafrog December 3 2014, 00:38:04 UTC
Very good.


stealingpennies December 7 2014, 22:53:38 UTC



aunteeneenah December 3 2014, 18:09:40 UTC
Why didn't this show up on my denial? Oh well, I found it. Lovely bit of insight into how Lester viewed the break-down of his marriage. Let's hope he learned something from those mistakes and can make a go of this new relationship. I think this is why the Primeval crew had to fall in love with others on their team. They're the only ones who would have understood. Lovely.


stealingpennies December 7 2014, 22:56:19 UTC

Thanks. Yes, I totally agree that the team have the best chance of a relationship with each other. Otherwise there's too many secrets and no-go zones. *g* I was a bit rushed for time and internet access so I just went with P100 posting.


cordeliadelayne December 4 2014, 03:03:33 UTC
Lovely drabble!


stealingpennies December 7 2014, 22:56:53 UTC

Thank you!


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