Primeval fic: Post-mortem

Dec 02, 2014 14:59

Title: Post-mortem

Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Lester

Written for P100 challenge 395: The writing on the wall

AN: Definitely need a time-turner. Move right along because this is completely dashed off between other stuff. However, am determind that I will complete this P100 year.


In retrospect, James was surprised that his marriage lasted as long as it did. At first he’d taken care to phone and apologise for lateness. He’d gifted extravagant bouquets. Later, as overtime became routine, phoning and flowers no longer seemed important. He was incurious about her days and sidestepped questions about his. He was there for the children’s births but forgot birthdays. Her affair should have hurt. Instead there was only regret. The divorce was civilised. His children forgave him. Eventually.

Falling in love again was unexpected, unsought, terrifying, but irresistible. He’d failed once. This time he must do better.


lester, primeval, gen, drabble

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