Primeval fic: Afterlife

Apr 23, 2013 11:29

Title: Afterlife
Word count: 100
Rating: Gen
Characters: Christine Johnson
P100 challenge 311: In the sewers

Christine pictured the beauty counter, checking off the colours in her mind’s eye. Today would be a tangerine day. She imagined the cool hands of the manicurist handing over a glass of champagne, beginning with a massage.

It meant nothing ( Read more... )

primeval, christine, drabble

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Comments 22

freddiejoey April 23 2013, 11:25:24 UTC
Very powerful hon


stealingpennies April 23 2013, 16:21:49 UTC

Cheers! I don't care if she's bad. I want Christine to survive.


joshinator April 23 2013, 11:39:26 UTC
Packs a real punch in just 100 words


stealingpennies April 23 2013, 16:20:46 UTC

Thanks! She's certainly not in a good place.


lukadreaming April 23 2013, 13:28:49 UTC
Very vivid - particularly the contrast between that first par and the stark reality.


stealingpennies April 23 2013, 16:19:27 UTC

Thanks! I'm a bit Denialist about Christine. She *is* going to survive through sheer force of character.


reggietate April 23 2013, 15:21:18 UTC
Nice one! (Not that she doesn't deserve it, a bit). *g*


stealingpennies April 23 2013, 16:18:29 UTC

Thanks. *g* I know she's a wrong 'un but Christine will always a sympathetic write up from me - I love the character.


clea2011 April 23 2013, 17:07:15 UTC
Poor Christine but great drabble


stealingpennies April 24 2013, 13:43:44 UTC

Thank you! I am in Denial about Christine - she is going to get saved!


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