
Apr 24, 2030 16:10

Hello, you've reached Equius Zahhak.

I'm not available to take your call right now; leave your name and a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Unless you're Vantas... in which case, hang up immediately and never call this number again.

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Comments 41

Text; faygot July 11 2011, 13:33:42 UTC
HeY. iF YoU'Re aLl tO Be fEeLiN' gOoD AgAiN,
YoU WaNnA MeEt uP WiTh mE SoMeWhErE At?


Text; stayb100ponyboy July 11 2011, 14:07:04 UTC
D--> Hello, Highb100d
D--> I am feeling better, thank you

D--> Where do you want to meet


Text; faygot July 11 2011, 14:11:18 UTC
CaN YoU CoMe tO ThE MoThErFuCkIn pArK?
LiKe wHeRe tHeY AlL GoT ThOsE FuCkIn sWiNgS At.


Text; stayb100ponyboy July 11 2011, 14:15:07 UTC
D--> Yes
D--> When do you want to meet there


VIDEO (I lost all my resistance. I'm so sorry ;A;) 4_generations September 3 2011, 01:34:29 UTC

[The feed will turn on. On the screen, you'll see the Major's eyes, before he moves away. He sounds happy.]

HOW ARE YOU? I should hope you are feeling better? I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU.

[Posing. And sparkles.]


VIDEO; don't be sorry, this is awesome! stayb100ponyboy September 3 2011, 01:38:26 UTC
[Equius hadn't quite realized how much he missed the Major until he sees him sparkling in his video feed. He's not posing back, though... YET.]

Hello, Major Armstrong. Yes, I'm feeling a bit better.

It... it was kind of you to think of me.

[Because seriously? No one ever thinks of him or worries about him.]


VIDEO; Oh good! I've been hoping to plot with you for a while /steals all your CR 4_generations September 3 2011, 01:50:14 UTC
[Well I hope you don't mind if the Major hams it up for a bit.]

I am glad to hear it!

[Strikes a pose]

It is not a problem, my friend! I always look out for those who are important to me!

[Strikes yet another pose]


VIDEO; Armstrong CR is always welcome and appreciated! stayb100ponyboy September 3 2011, 02:01:50 UTC
I... I'm important to you?

[Baaaaaaah, really? Really really?]


Because having Equius CR is always important~ gun_symphony December 20 2011, 01:34:25 UTC
Hello Equius. It has been awhile since we last spoke.


stayb100ponyboy December 20 2011, 01:57:33 UTC
Hi, R'hia! How are you faring these days?


You wouldn't mind a bit of plotting, would you? gun_symphony December 20 2011, 02:11:10 UTC
Quite good, actually. How about yourself?


Not at all! What do you have in mind? stayb100ponyboy December 20 2011, 02:24:56 UTC
Not bad. Things got a bit dramatic for we trolls for awhile, but things have calmed down now.


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