Quick reference - the posting limit in LJ is
52,670 characters.
I so often refer to one of these posts for people who are new to LJ, or just learning more. So, by damn, I'm going to put all the links in one post, and link it to my header -- easy to find. As always, feel free to pass on this page, or any of the links, to anyone who might find them useful. I put out information to share, and for people to use.
How to LJ -- The very first. It needs updating, but still contains good, basic information.
Basic HTML -- Just the codes, extracted and expanded from the original 'How to LJ'.
Posting Limit is 52,670 characters, including all the < and > used for emphasis. This post tells how I did the 'research'.
All of it -- simple & detailed. In
fandom_grammar, contributer
rigel_7 lays out everything, from basic HTML to LJ style tips to methods for organizing a webpage.
Hope, at Dreamwidth, tells us how -- and why --
to code for user accessibility.
Multi-part stories -- How to set up those internal links, and avoid 'spamming' your friends-list as you post all those parts.
Accented words -- Do you want to write café instead of cafe? Here are the codes for common words, so that the accents will also show on LJ or a website.
How to Force Accents in MS Word -- You can add accented words you commonly need to the internal dictionary, so it's easy to fix when Word decides it's a misspelling.
Indents -- You can't use 'tab', but you can make indented paragraphs, or inset a complete paragraph (or several) with these tricks.
Resources for icon-makers. Fish_Echo at Dreamwidth had compiles a list of links to resources and tutorials for those who are learning to make icons, or who want to improve their skills.
Long Posts in LJ -- an explanation of why hand-coding is better than asking LJ to code in Rich Text, and a tutorial of how to use Word to find/replace * with the suitable codes.
Using < and >; How to make them show up in HTML.
Italics-Search -- How to make MS Word search specifically for italics (or bold, etc).
Coding Italics and Bold -- Similar to post above, but a clearer explanation of how to use MS Word to make the job quicker and easier.
How to change MS Word Docs to 'fake' webpages -- just in case you'd like to email your story as a "webpage" instead of a Word document.
How to add paragraph codes, with MS Word to make the job faster and easier. An expansion -- and clearer explanation -- of some of the information that appears in the post above.
A comparison of LJ versus mailing lists, which serves as an overview of LJ's customs and potential uses.
The first (and most extensive) post about
Making Tables Then some addendums --
Tables for Story Titles Split-Level Headings on Tables Shiny Table Help gives a couple of online sources to generate table code for cut/paste.
Miscellaneous Things --
Sentinel Fans on LJ - incomplete, but a place to start finding people you know from other venues.
How to Post Pictures in LJ Making Horizontal Lines for section dividers Color Thesaurus - Find the codes for color-names. How to make Hearts & Diamonds (and others) Poll Code -- You can make the list as long as you want, instead of hitting LJ's internal limits.
Paid members can now view Friends page by date.
That's it, so far. When / if I make more, I'll add them to the list.