
Aug 12, 2010 10:48

1. I know people are getting a little confused by the challenge end dates. I'm not sure if this is my doing, or people getting confused by when they end. Please let me know what issues you have, it's what I'm here for.

2. @startrekland. I'll use it to do reminders for challenges, and other community things. You can of course follow it if you ( Read more... )

- mod

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Comments 11

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sellthelie August 12 2010, 03:37:14 UTC
I have used that, in the beginning, but I think I set it wrong, because it was different to when I wanted the challenge to end. Maybe I'll look at little closer to what I do if I use them again. :)


starshinedc August 12 2010, 04:41:25 UTC
Def some TOS episodes XD They're monumental and without them, we wouldn't have XI

Bit XI has ZQ and CFine, so can't be ignored either XD

And what chat would we use? An IM program like MSN or AIM or something we could all link to like *I'm sure there's something*?


sellthelie August 12 2010, 06:01:29 UTC
I'll probably set up a chatroom at Meebo, it's good for lots of people chatting together.

There'll probably be more than one rewatch, so we will definitely do some TOS episodes. :D


starshinedc August 12 2010, 06:04:36 UTC
Cool, lol
To both


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sellthelie August 12 2010, 06:01:53 UTC
They are a lot of fun! :D


openedbook August 12 2010, 04:49:42 UTC
we should watch the one with the whales! Everyone loves that movie! :D


sellthelie August 12 2010, 06:02:25 UTC
That movie is hilarious!


fagur_fiskur August 12 2010, 19:34:12 UTC
About the rewatch; I'd like to point out that people here are from different time zones. Shouldn't we try to coordinate it so no one has to do it in the middle of the night, if possible? I dunno, I might be taking this a little too seriously, but I've never done a rewatch before and I don't want to miss this D:


sellthelie August 15 2010, 05:14:47 UTC
Yeah no there will probably be different times, I'll be thinking about that before I post about this again. :)


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