
Aug 12, 2010 10:48

1. I know people are getting a little confused by the challenge end dates. I'm not sure if this is my doing, or people getting confused by when they end. Please let me know what issues you have, it's what I'm here for.

2. @startrekland. I'll use it to do reminders for challenges, and other community things. You can of course follow it if you want.

3. Who's interested in a rewatch? I won't be able to do one this weekend, but maybe next? Plenty of time to figure out what we could watch. These are a lot of fun to do. Everyone gathering in a chat room, and just geeking out over Star Trek, and random things. So fill out the poll with which you'd rather.

Poll Rewatch?

If you aren't watching/tracking starfleethq already, you should, any further posts on the rewatch will happen there, and other fun stuff! Remember anyone can post anything they like there.

- mod

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