Series: Thor (Movie), The Avengers (Movie)
Characters: Thor, Loki, Odin, Bruce Banner, The Avengers (later on)
Couple: Thor/Loki
Title: To Melt The Snow
Word Count: 1,060
Chapter: 19/19
Status: Complete
Rating: R/Mature
Disclaimer: I have no claim whatsoever on any the marvel franchises at all, I'm just borrowing them for my story that will bring
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Comments 2
You ended this just where you should, but I am nonetheless sorry to see it end.
You might want to look up just a bit of Norse mythology on Wikipedia or somewhere, though. Unless I'm very much mistaken, Loki killed Balder through trickery and then refused to help him come back from Hel's realm. I really don't usually think people need to know anything about the real mythology to write Marvel fanfic, but that choice of name might be particularly unfortunate if I'm remembering correctly.
You might be right about Balder, whatever happened to Balder did not turn out well and I know that it's Loki's fault, but I like the idea that now the name can be used for something good in a way. Balder is going to be the most pampered child who ever lived...
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