oh hi it's the weekend and I am back again

May 16, 2009 02:06

I can't wait for the 1st of June to roll up alreadyyyyy :( JUST END MY MISERY PLEASE *claws on walls*

Useless trivia of the day week: I think the best examples of "wtf is up with those crazy Brits and their crazy follies" are in Scotland, what with humongous pineapples and fake Colosseums.

I disconnected my Macbook from the internet during the week to concentrate. (It didn't really work, I ended up playing Pokemon.)

Oh yea Tenchijin BL manga, what is this. Wtf wtf. First rice bags and now this. I'd like to have a look at the "x Yukimura" chapters though.

and a couple of tidbits, more stuff up later this weekend (no doubt along with EUROVISION FLAILINGS depending on who wins - I KNOW NORGE'S PRETTY BOY PUPPY DOG FACE WITH THE ALMOST ENGLISH EYEBROWS WILL PROBABLY WIN. sobbb)

Moe things.

Back cover design I submitted for part of typography. Spot the anomaly ahahahaha

btw not relevant to anyone's interests but I took 2 days to figure out what a master page was (header, footer and page number options don't exist in Quark) OTL|||

Oh and photo meme because I want to procrastinate doing my live brief:

1. Ask me to take pictures of any aspect of my life you're curious about.
2. Leave your requests as comments to this entry. One request per person.
3. Please look at the previous requests as to not do repeats.
4. I'll snap the pictures and post them.

art, hetalia, life

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