Fic: Recessional

Oct 10, 2010 15:24

Title: Recessional
Word Count: 1,318
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Roy/Riza, Havoc/Riza
Summary: They never used to lie to each other.
A/N: THIS IS A BREAK UP FIC. XD I don't know how it happened. Also, check out my fic listing here for more, if you're interested!

But each day brings its petty dust our soon-choked souls to fill, and we forget because we must, and not because we will )

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Comments 12

yoroshiqueen October 10 2010, 19:36:07 UTC

I mean, it's not surprising. I don't really review and I just make exceptions for you because you make my heart keep beating. But this is it a masterpiece? Is it the greatest example of your Chronic Angst Disorder? Do you need help or do you need praise?

"We have a child, a child born of your father’s insanity, of our foolish idealism. Your back binds you to my hands. We have a child."

I KNOW I'VE ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT THIS LINE IS DESTROYING ME. But I have to repeat it because it's still swirling around my heart like a tornado ;o; I think that it will stay with me forever and in moments where I think I'm safe, it'll be like, no, that's just the eye of the storm. And it will just cut my heart into shreds again. ;o;

But I mean that in a good way, of course!

Remember how I said you need to teach me the ways of pain? I AM MORE SERIOUS THAN EVER NOW. Let me be your apprentice in angst. I want to break people's hearts too ;o;


starseed4 October 10 2010, 19:42:38 UTC
Sometimes I feel like I write strictly as a way to get your reviews. Like Pavlov's dogs for fic writers. You've trained me well.


evil_little_dog October 10 2010, 20:15:28 UTC
Such a very sad, very poetic story.


starseed4 October 10 2010, 21:04:24 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


flybynight00 October 10 2010, 21:17:36 UTC
I liked this -- it goes against a number of fandom stereotypes, and the writing is beautiful.


starseed4 October 14 2010, 17:56:19 UTC
I didn't start writing with the intention of crushing poor Roy's heart, but then it just sort of happened. As a Roy/Riza shipper, I was really conflicted about the outcome of this fic, but I liked it too much not to finish it (the aaaaangst!). I'm glad you enjoyed the fact that it was somewhat unconventional in that sense, breaking them up. Sometimes life is messy even when we don't want it to be.


goldfishlover73 October 10 2010, 22:58:44 UTC
Good lord this is so good! It pulled me in, and drown me in Roy's sorrows. It was fabulous. I loved this.


starseed4 October 14 2010, 17:56:59 UTC
For some reason I like to torture poor Roy. It's out of love, I swear! I'm so glad you liked it. Thanks for taking the time to review!


ghostfriendly October 11 2010, 07:57:50 UTC
Ooer, very sad story. Everything went downhill quite suddenly, but some really strong and bitter lines in the last two paragraphs, overall mazing stuff.


starseed4 October 14 2010, 17:57:35 UTC
Thanks so much!


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