Fic: Recessional

Oct 10, 2010 15:24

Title: Recessional
Word Count: 1,318
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Roy/Riza, Havoc/Riza
Summary: They never used to lie to each other.
A/N: THIS IS A BREAK UP FIC. XD I don't know how it happened. Also, check out my fic listing here for more, if you're interested!

But each day brings its petty dust our soon-choked souls to fill, and we forget because we must, and not because we will )

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Comments 12

coastal_spirit October 13 2010, 01:18:51 UTC
Wow. This is marvelous, masterfully written. To be utterly truthful, I didn't expect to like this, and I'm still not sure if I like the content, but that doesn't even matter. It's such a poignant picture, such an original piece, that I can't help but love it.


starseed4 October 14 2010, 18:01:25 UTC
If it makes you feel better, I'm not even sure I'M comfortable with the content haha. I'm a fiercely loyal Roy/Riza shipper and that's what I tend to write, so I have no idea how this whole fic came about... Part of me wanted to do something out of the norm and part of me was just attracted to how angsty the whole idea was. No one gets together thinking they're going to break up. I wanted to imagine for a second a world in which, despite their best attempts, Roy and Riza just can't make it work.

I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it despite the fact that I killed poor Roy's heart haha. Thank you for all your kind words!


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