Fic: Absence And The Heart

May 16, 2009 18:46

Title: Absence And The Heart
Prompt: Written for yoroshiqueen for the alphabet meme (L is for the way you look at me)
Word Count: 978
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Roy/Riza
Summary: He is alone in the office; alone with her.
A/N: I don't know that this follows the prompt at all, but yoroshiqueen was just trying to be a smart ass with it anyway so I'm not too worried. XD ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

angelcallie September 10 2009, 03:48:24 UTC
Just gorgeous. So beautifully poetic and simple, but it says absolutely everything. Every word was so exquisitely chosen. And I love this side of Roy, the quiet part of him that lets his mind wander and feels things so intensely. Just too beautiful <3


starseed4 September 10 2009, 15:55:52 UTC
This is my favorite side of Roy too - the Roy that isn't the Colonel, who's just a man with all his little imperfections.

Thank you so much for reviewing!


2ndltjeanhavoc November 4 2009, 21:00:33 UTC
Havoc tested, Havoc approved.


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