Fic: Absence And The Heart

May 16, 2009 18:46

Title: Absence And The Heart
Prompt: Written for yoroshiqueen for the alphabet meme (L is for the way you look at me)
Word Count: 978
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Roy/Riza
Summary: He is alone in the office; alone with her.
A/N: I don't know that this follows the prompt at all, but yoroshiqueen was just trying to be a smart ass with it anyway so I'm not too worried. XD ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

selenityshiroi May 17 2009, 05:17:27 UTC

That is the only word that wants to come out.



starseed4 May 19 2009, 00:06:04 UTC
Thank you! :D


live4him4eva May 17 2009, 05:25:03 UTC
All I can really say is that I'm speechless. o_o


starseed4 May 19 2009, 00:06:39 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)


live4him4eva May 19 2009, 00:10:08 UTC
I did. x3


ana_leez May 18 2009, 04:28:13 UTC
asfdhaj AMAZING <3


starseed4 May 19 2009, 00:07:00 UTC
Eeee thank you!!


on_the_warpath May 18 2009, 17:28:30 UTC
its so prettyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like, extremely.

ive been looking for a fic like this for so long. like, no hugs or kisses or any obvious verbal i love you, but still manages the spirit of royai. they're honestly the most subtle, most longing, most achingly devoted anime couple ive ever come across. and i dont like fics where they're too readily intimate. theres so much more between them--and it's not shown or spoken, but you can feel it.

i love the lines here where it goes 'not lovers, just in love' and those variations. i love it. made me aww and tear up several times.


starseed4 May 19 2009, 00:17:04 UTC
You totally hit on exactly why I love this pairing so much and what drew me to them initially. I love the idea that they're in love (perhaps painfully so), but aren't able to be together, which is exactly what I was trying to go for with the whole "not lovers, just in love" idea. I enjoy reading stories where Roy and Riza are more openly intimate together, but it's always this idea that I'm drawn to most. The whole secrecy aspect and not being able to be together is so beautifully tragic in a way. I'm really glad you think I was able to convey that well and that you enjoyed it. Thank you so, so much for taking the time to review. It's very much appreciated. :)


on_the_warpath May 19 2009, 06:35:04 UTC
it's actually an amazing twist with the usual "forbidden love" thing. usually it's pulled off with the parties secretly meeting and engaging in trysts and all that jazz. then they get pulled apart once more by forces beyond their control, and that's why it's heartbreaking. royai is different. i mean, they CAN screw each other behind the military's back if they really wanted to, but it wouldn't benefit anyone but themselves, which is why they don't. it can change so many things--not just between them, but if they get caught, there's so much more at stake than their hides (like the future of amestris). so it's like an unspoken deal to not do so--perhaps until it's all over. riza even explicitly said she didn't wanna live without him TWICE in the manga (when she lost the will to live in the lust battle, and when she said that if ever she has to kill him, she'll commit suicide right after). but maybe they're just looking for the right time? either way, they're probably also the most frustrating couple EVER. like you can't wait for them to ( ... )


allyouhaveisme May 29 2009, 12:33:47 UTC
ah this was amazing 8D!

esp how you can draw this mental contrast between Roy, who is the Roy who Flirts and is the Ladies' Man and then there's this roy who is the roy who loves riza and isn't quite as sure or self-important and AHHH! :D

i say it again this was great x}


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