Fic: Absence And The Heart

May 16, 2009 18:46

Title: Absence And The Heart
Prompt: Written for yoroshiqueen for the alphabet meme (L is for the way you look at me)
Word Count: 978
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Roy/Riza
Summary: He is alone in the office; alone with her.
A/N: I don't know that this follows the prompt at all, but yoroshiqueen was just trying to be a smart ass with it anyway so I'm not too worried. XD ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

yoroshiqueen May 16 2009, 23:33:27 UTC
There are not words for how much I love this. I know that because I keep trying to come up with some and they are just AREN'T THERE. I mean, this was our first time, after all, and you got me off (...well, so to speak XD). WAS IT GOOD FOR YOU TOO, BABY?

But seriously, this fic actually had be reacting like...physically. At one point I slapped my hands down and said "Oh God!" (in a good way!) and then later I grabbed at my hair from the sheer pleasure of reading this.

Which, you know...doesn't happen all the time.

This was so beautiful! Painfully beautiful! Not just because I feel jealous and inadequate that I can't do it, but like...reading it was so perfect an experience that I realized you've ruined other fics for me. XD


starseed4 May 16 2009, 23:45:14 UTC
Does this mean you'll call me in the morning~?

I'm so glad you liked it because, well you know, it was important to me and I don't actually need to tell you this because we've been squealing at each other on aim, so... XD;;;



(The comment has been removed)

starseed4 May 18 2009, 23:58:50 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it! The part where Roy was feeling poetic and talking about how they've loved forever is one of my favorite parts as well. I really enjoyed coming up with the imagery, so it makes me really happy to hear it came across well. Thanks for taking the time to review. :)


amorphic May 17 2009, 02:19:48 UTC
Oh God, I loved this so much, you write it so so beautifully. I usually quote my favourite bits from fics but there's too many. ♥

Kerry, why did you have to start writing the alphabet meme fics? Now I feel super guilty for not starting.


starseed4 May 19 2009, 00:02:53 UTC
Awww, thank you! <3333

Don't worry, just because I've written this does not mean I'm anywhere near completion of the meme as a whole. I've just created the illusion of being on top of things. You're still safe. :P


katesmannequin May 17 2009, 02:38:49 UTC


starseed4 May 19 2009, 00:03:12 UTC


heiddles May 17 2009, 04:49:09 UTC
Whoa you are an awesome writer! It's not often that stories written in the present tense turn out any good, but your's was excellent! And the part about DNA and the beginning of time was just..........PERFECT! I totally love that concept =D


starseed4 May 19 2009, 00:05:35 UTC
Eeee thank you! It makes me so happy to hear you liked the part about the DNA and all that, because it was one of my favorite parts as well and I really thought hard about the imagery. Thank you so much for reviewing.


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