Title: One Cut, One Tattoo, and One Beer
Author: Poppy
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Prussia/Germany, hinted Japan/N.Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, Austria
Word Count: 5679
Warning: Rough Sex, Language
Summary: Prussia comes home from vacation circumcised and his brother gets him into the bedroom to see his new look.
More under the Cut )
Comments 7
this was to sexy to be true~
And I'm so pleased you like it! Thank you for your kind comment :'D
No, you're right, but I read a bit of both. Some are more sensitive, some are less. I just tried putting it in the middle... Like Gilbert's still in that 'sensitive-but-not-as-much-as-before' era. idk, I might have messed this up xD
It's a writer's curse!
And Prussia is a good boy... sometimes xDl;;
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