Title: Call the Police Author: Poppy Rating: NC-17 Characters/Pairings: Prussia/Germany Word Count: 1283 Warning: Oral Sex Summary: Germany has an erection in a Munich alleyway and Prussia wants to relieve it.
Found this on the kink meme the other night and fucking loved it. I love how immature Prussia is being at the end. And well-written blowjobs always make me happy
Oh my God, "perverted old grandma"? Only Prussia could start yelling and taunting at the person that catches him after getting someone off in an alleyway...that man has no shame. And I love it.
On a side note, Nazi uniforms were designed by Hugo Boss, so not quite ugly-as-sin...although I suppose that's relative XD
I feel the urge to make the disclaimer that I don't support/endorse the Nazi party in any way ;;
Oh, I know. A lot of their uniforms I think are BEAUTIFUL but I in no way support them either! But my small headcanon is that Prussia likes the black SS uniforms more than the SA xD;;
Have you seen Inglourious Bastards? I think Hollywood needs to stop casting attractive actors as Nazis! :P Christoph Waltz looked so dashing in his uniform ;;
It's a rarity to find well-written hot-semi-public-hot-BJ-comedy fic around LJ. Thanks for filling this! Gilbert taunting the voyeuristic (?) old lady in the end was my favorite part (aside from the hot *job* he did on Ludwig) XDDDD It made my day! More funny, reckless, exhibitionist!Germancest, please! :D
Comments 14
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I'm glad it made someone happy!
Thank you for the comment!
That was damn hot!
I was just doing a fly-by through my flist, (not even a fan of Prussia/Germany) and saw this posted in hetalia.
Dayum girl, that was awesome porn! And the ending rocks!
On a side note, Nazi uniforms were designed by Hugo Boss, so not quite ugly-as-sin...although I suppose that's relative XD
I feel the urge to make the disclaimer that I don't support/endorse the Nazi party in any way ;;
Oh, I know. A lot of their uniforms I think are BEAUTIFUL but I in no way support them either! But my small headcanon is that Prussia likes the black SS uniforms more than the SA xD;;
And thank you for your comment!
You're very welcome! I love your icon, btw <3
And thank you so much again :D
I'm glad it made your day!
Heehee, don't worry, I'll probably come up with more things soon ;)
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