New vid: SPN - Proof

Jan 13, 2009 08:02

I'm not sure about this one. I feel like I'm finally getting the idea of Vegas and I'm there trying to replicate wmm effects, which is harder to do than I would have thought. Anyway, I think the song is perfect and I quite like the result even if it's not the usual thing anymore. All comments welcome as always.

Title: Proof
Music: Proof by I am Kloot
Vidder: starrylizard
spoilers: S4 clips only
Summary: A S4 (so far) overview of the boys' and coping together or apart.
Made for the SVS January challenge - Back to Basics - in which we could only use a few basic effects. Music suggestion from The November Inspiration Post thank to a_starfish. :)
File: 56.3mb, 2:38min
Links: 4Shared (download) | youtube (streaming) | Filefront (Download/streaming)


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