Inspiration post: Nov 08

Nov 02, 2008 09:04

Welcome to our first monthly inspiration post...

This post provides you with the opportunity to throw some ideas out there - is there a vid you've always wanted to see made? A song you've always wanted to see used? A pairing you think would be interesting? Anything at all - any ideas you have - can be put here and the vidders who use this comm are then welcome to come take a look and see if there are any ideas here that appeal to them or that they think they could do.

So - at the beginning of every month you'll see an Inspiration Post post pop up where you're free to suggest any vid ideas you have - please don't just make individual posts with inspiration ideas in this comm, but instead comment on these monthly posts so we can keep it all in one place and the vidders will then know where to look for ideas - thank you =)

Now - feel free to fill up the comments with your ideas!

inspiration post

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