FIC: Days of Future Passed 1/1, FR13, SPN-BTVS-DA crossover

May 07, 2007 18:04

Title: Days of Future Passed
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairings: Sam/Willow, mention of Faith/Dean
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company. Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company. Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and company. The title of the fic comes from an album of the same name by The Moody Blues ( Read more... )

spn_btvs, buffyverse, dark angel, willow rosenberg/sam winchester, supernatural, crossover

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Comments 2

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starlit_desires May 9 2007, 00:28:57 UTC
The Pulse was from Dark Angel.

Thank you though I am glad you liked it. It was a difficult one to write.


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starlit_desires May 9 2007, 12:23:27 UTC
That's cool. I figured it was something like that :D


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