FIC: Days of Future Passed 1/1, FR13, SPN-BTVS-DA crossover

May 07, 2007 18:04

Title: Days of Future Passed
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairings: Sam/Willow, mention of Faith/Dean
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company. Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company. Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and company. The title of the fic comes from an album of the same name by The Moody Blues.
Prompts: Written for spn_btvs’ insert a third fandom challenge.
Notes 1: This is a very AU piece that deviates from the main canon in both the Buffyverse and Supernatural.
Notes 2: This is my first attempt at this particular style of fic.
Summary: Willow’s life seems to be in a constant state of change after she meets Buffy.

The year that Willow turned sixteen, three things happened that would change her life forever. The first was that Buffy Summers died at the hand of some random vampire. It seemed wrong to Willow, Xander, and Giles, that Buffy had managed to survive the Master but she had been taken by surprise by a random vampire on patrol. However all that they had to go on was Angel’s mournful story the day after it had happened. Before they could really ask Angel any questions, the vampire with a soul had fled Sunnydale.

The second thing that happened was that Faith Lehane rolled into town and shortly after her arrival the Winchesters moved to town. Both of these events shook Willow’s quiet existence as research girl (and possibly Watcher-in-training) to her core. Faith was everything that Buffy hadn’t been; she was loud, brash and aggressive. She was never one to retire from a fight and she definitely didn’t have the need to try to juggle a normal life with the life of a Slayer. And then there were the Winchesters: John, Dean and Sam.

The first time Willow had met them was when she had accompanied Faith on patrol, as a guide of sorts to the many cemeteries that Sunnydale had to offer. One minute she had been watching Faith slay a vampire and the next she was breaking apart a fight between Dean Winchester and Faith. The only thing that had saved Willow from having more than a bruised and cut lip (from when Faith’s punch at Dean had gone wild and had hit Willow instead) was John Winchester’s stern and gravely voice.

Apparently Dean might not have known about vampires, but his father did. Before Faith could do anymore damage, Willow had taken John and his two sons to Giles and figured that with the Hellmouth and all of it’s cryptic events as of late, they could use more manpower than just Faith and Buffy’s former Scoobies.

* * *

By 1999, Willow came to realize that Sam, the youngest Winchester, had a crush on her and she was unsure how she should handle it. She was lacking in the girlfriend department and she wasn’t about to go to Faith or Jenny on how to handle the crush. For her the three-year age difference between her and Sam seemed to be a huge chasm between them, one that she seriously doubted she could ever bridge. She tried her best to avoid spending any time alone with Sam, but it always seemed that they were paired up together.

It was natural for Sam and Willow to work on research together, just like it was natural for Dean and Faith to be paired up. At the time, Willow just didn’t want to accept that it was natural. Looking back, she’d realize that it had a lot to do with the fact that she had a huge crush on Dean and the last thing she wanted was to have his younger brother follow her around like a puppy dog. So she did her best to crush any hopes that Sam might harbour when it came to the two of them ever being a couple.

* * *

In 2019, Willow and Sam had been a couple for so long that she could barely remember a time when it hadn’t been Willow and Sam. In her mind their names were joined so that they made one word, and she couldn’t really remember when it had just been Willow.

They had been on the road together ever since 2002 and their travels had taken them all over Canada, the United States and Mexico as they hunted demons and searched for Faith and Dean. The Pulse had changed everything but it hadn’t stopped either their continual hunt or exhaustive search. It was all that Sam could focus on; he didn’t want to think about anything else but destroying evil and finding his brother. Willow’s search for Faith had more to do with the fact that she had cast a spell that had connected her to the Slayers when they had destroyed the Hellmouth in Sunnydale.

At first it had been their drive to find both Faith and Dean that had sent them hunting together, but over the years they had found something with one another that went beyond the hunt and the search. Even if after so many years they had nothing but a handful of cold leads when it came to Faith and Dean’s strange disappearance.

* * *

August 2000 started out with a heat wave, one of the worse to ever hit Sunnydale, and a new lead for John Winchester. He had decided to take Sam and Willow with him as he chased down the lead for the demon that had killed his wife. The trip was an awkward one for Willow because she found herself stuck in the middle of John’s and Sam’s constant argument about Sam’s future.

She felt guilty to some degree because she had encouraged Sam’s dream of attending Stanford. But at the same time, she didn’t see why he couldn’t go to university and still be a hunter. After all, she went to university and still helped out Faith and Giles. And she didn’t think it was fair of John to deny his youngest son the chance at being something other than a hunter. Willow had believed that after John had encountered the Mayor and his diabolical plans that he had come to realize that not all evil is the monster that hides in the dark.

In the end the lead turned out to be another false lead, which only increased John’s temper and they returned to Sunnydale in a cold silence. Willow had meekly followed John and Sam into the library where the trio was met with the grim faces of Giles, Cordelia, and Xander. Willow felt a sense of déjà vu all over again as she took in the sight of her three oldest friends and she knew that something bad had happened.

One moment she was standing upright and the next she had fainted. When she came to it was to Sam’s concerned face and she knew that her fears for Faith and Dean weren’t misplaced. She didn’t need for him to tell her that they had gone on patrol and just never came back. She just knew and in her heart a little piece of her seemed to die that night.

* * *

Two thousand and nine saw the collapse of the Hellmouth and two months late the Pulse hit. The world changed in so many ways that Willow could barely keep up with all of the changes.

The First had somehow found a way to free itself from its prison and without an active Slayer the Council was at a lost on how to handle it. Especially since agents of The First were killing potentials all around the world, leading Giles and Willow to speculate that The First knew where Faith was. Despite being surrounded by strong hunters, the Potentials that the Council sent to Giles and Willows were really just sitting ducks. A few of the girls that had been sent had basic training but the rest were just scared little girls who were waiting for the bogey man to come and kill them.

It had been John who had inadvertently found the spell for Willow that would turn all of the Potentials into Slayers. It was the spell that would change the tide of the war for them. With the new Slayers, they had been able to close down the Sunnydale Hellmouth for business. However before they could recover from the destruction of the Hellmouth and the fact that there were several hundreds of active Slayers in the world, the Pulse hit and changed everything for good.

Sam and Willow had been together trying to track down a lead on Angel and a Slayer in L.A. when the Pulse hit. Overnight, they lost all forms of contact with the Council in England and with their friends and family in the United States. They went from being a hunter and a Watcher, to just trying to survive in the new world.

It was also the year that Sam lost all hope of ever finding his brother since they had received news from the Council prior to the Pulse, that Faith was dead. How the Council knew that Faith was dead, Willow never found out. But with their only connection to Dean lost, Sam Winchester felt that they would never be able to find him. And if Faith was dead, he didn’t see why Dean would still be alive.

* * *

The first two years after the Pulse were aimless years as they roamed from town to town, trying to survive, find the new Slayers, find news of their friends and family, and hunting down evil. It wasn’t until they stopped by a roadhouse by the name of Harvelle’s that Sam heard anything about his family.

They discovered that John Winchester was still alive and well and that he was still hunting demons and looking for his sons. The simple fact seemed to renew Sam and it made him more determined to find his brother. And even though Willow was tired of the rootless life of the open road, she followed Sam wherever he lead. By 2013, Sam was reunited with his father and Willow was able to set up contact with the Council again.

* * *

August 2020 arrived with another heat wave that had temperatures that were higher than any record. It was also the month when Sam and Willow rolled into Seattle. Willow was forty and she was looking to settle down and to her, Seattle seemed like the ideal place to do so. She had seen the world change twice, she had lost more friends than she could count in the battle against the forces of darkness, and she was just plain weary of the open road. And for once, Sam seemed just as willing to find a place where they could put down some roots for the first time since they had left the crater that had once been Sunnydale behind them.

The trails for Faith and Dean, as well as the demon that had killed his mother, were both ice cold. And it was getting harder and harder form them to travel all over the place for their hunts. People were getting more and more suspicious of strangers and supplies, in particular money, were just rare commodities in the Post-Pulse world. And when it came down to it, Sam was willing to do anything for Willow, just as he had been willing to do so since he had first seen her when she was sixteen years old.

* * *

Willow first learned of Manticore when one of the Watchers had tracked her down and had asked her to perform a location spell. The Pulse had brought about a new witch-hunt that had made Salem look like a picnic. Anyone who seemed to possess supernatural powers had been hunted down like animals in the first days after the Pulse. Willow had been lucky enough to escape persecution because she had kept her talents hidden. The Watcher who had tracked her down had been an old friend of Giles.

She had located the newly called Slayer in a place called Manticore. With some difficulty she had managed to hack into the place’s database and the place had scared her. The Watcher that had tracked her down had thanked and paid her well for her time. They had both decided that perhaps it was best to leave this newly called Slayer alone, especially since there were hundreds of other girls that still needed the Council’s guidance.

For a few years afterwards, she had felt guilty about leaving the girl alone in a place like Manticore, but at the same time, she had her own survival to think about it. The last thing she needed to do was to take on a government facility.

* * *

It was when Willow first laid eyes on Max Guervera that she realized that Manticore had somehow been responsible for Dean and Faith’s strange disappearance back in 2000. Twenty years later and she had found a lead that wasn’t false or cold. Max wasn’t a dead ringer for Faith Lehane, but Willow instinctively recognized so much of the brunette Slayer in the transgenic that it scared her.

She was torn between telling Sam and just getting them out of Seattle without him being any wiser. In the end, she couldn’t keep Sam in the dark, not after all they had been through together, so she told him about Max and Manticore. And once more she found herself hacking into Manticore’s database and this time she found the evidence that they needed. Faith and Dean had been captured by Manticore and had been used in their breeding program. And although Willow could never find evidence that Faith had been involved in the creation of Max, she knew in heart that she had been.

Sam insisted on introducing themselves to Max and offering her any help that she needed. At first they had been meet with doubt and disbelief but over the next few months, they proved themselves in the eyes of Max. And soon their hunt for demons was replaced with the plight of transgenics and Manticore. They worked at exposing corrupt politicians and exposing Manticore. Demons became a side job that they took care of when Max was too busy to take down some vamp or demon.

* * *

Willow’s green eyes widened in surprise as the new girl from California sat down beside her. She was shocked and she couldn’t help but wonder if the new girl realized that she was on the verge of committing social suicide. Yet when she tried to tell her that, the new girl, Buffy Summers, just didn’t care. Instead she seemed to be genuinely interested in Willow as a potential friend and in a minute, Willow’s life changed and things would never quite be the same. Willow gave Buffy a shy smile as Jesse and Xander sat down beside them and they started talking and laughing.


spn_btvs, buffyverse, dark angel, willow rosenberg/sam winchester, supernatural, crossover

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