DA FIC: Resistance 1/1, FR13, Max/Alec

May 13, 2007 21:17

Title: Resistance
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Max/Alec
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and company.
Prompts: fic_variations - sweet, 2x5obsessions - a black shirt
Word Count: 1019
Notes: Set after 2x11 “The Berrisford Agenda.”
Summary: Max goes into heat again.

Max was counting down the hours before her current cycle of heat would be over. As she paced the small confines of the apartment that she shared with Original Cindy, she cursed Manticore for putting cat DNA in the test tube when they were creating her. She wanted nothing more than to get out of the apartment, which seemed to be closing in on her, but she didn’t dare leave, especially not after what had happened the last time she had gone into heat and left the apartment.

The sudden knock at the door startled Max out of her thoughts and for a moment, she thought about just ignoring it. However, when the person knocked on the door for a second time, she went to answer it. She rolled her eyes when she saw that it was Alec on the other side. The last thing she needed was his presence when she was already annoyed and frustrated; no doubt he had gotten himself into trouble and needed her to get him out it again.

“What do you want?” Max asked as she moved out of the way so that he could enter the apartment.
“Nice to see you too Maxie.”
“What do you want?” Max asked again.
“You weren’t at work. I thought I’d stop by and see why.”
“This isn’t the first time that I’ve missed work.”
“No, but you haven’t been to see Joshua in two days.”
“And you care why?” Max defensively asked.
“You try to do a good deed and all you get is trouble for it,” Alec said as he sat down at the kitchen table.

Max swallowed as she took in the sight of Alec in his tight black shirt and she suddenly felt as if the temperature in the room had just sky rocketed. She briefly wondered if he always wore his shirts this tight and she just hadn’t noticed it, or if it was just lust colouring her perception. She worried that if she didn’t get him out of her apartment, she might just do inappropriate things with him. Starting with jumping him at the kitchen table.

“Look it’s real sweet of you, but come on Alec, you don’t just do things without a reason,” Max dryly replied.
“That hurts Max, it really does.”
“If the shoe fits….” Max started and trailed off as she gave him a meaningful look.
“Fine maybe, I did have a reason for coming here, but it’s not what you think.”
“Why don’t you enlighten me?” Max asked as she started pacing in the tiny kitchenette.
“Let’s not be coy, I know what you’re going through.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Alec.”
“Maxie, I’m an X5 just like you are. Do you honestly think that you’re the only one of our series who went through heat?”

Max stopped pacing and turned to face Alec. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at him and she couldn’t really believe what he seemed to be offering. And even if he was offering her his services, so to speak, she didn’t believe that he was doing this out of the kindness of his heart. She folded her arms against her chest as she carefully weighed her next words.

“And what do you get out of this?”
“Why do I always have to get something out of the things that I do?”

Instead of answering his question, Max just rolled her eyes. Alec stood up so that there were only a few inches between them and she suddenly licked her dry lips as she felt her body temperature soar. He didn’t say anything as he looked down into her eyes and her mouth went dry as she noticed just how attractive Alec really was. And for the first time, Max could see just why other women fell at his feet so willingly.

“Max, what do you think is going to happen? You have about a day and a half left before you go out of heat and this time apartment is just going to get smaller and smaller.”
“What’s your point?”
“What’s going to happen when you can’t take it anymore in here and you have to leave?” “That’s not going to happen.”
“Really?” Alec asked as he raised his eyebrow at her, “Cuz Maxie, you’re looking like a caged animal already with all of your pacing and anger. You’re on edge and you’re going to need an out before too long.”
“Yeah so I’ll take a ride on my bike.”
“Yeah and then what’ll happen next? Come on, we both know that you’re not the type of girl who goes for casual sex.”
“Oh we do, do we?” Max mockingly asks.
“If you did, then you and Logan would have done the deed instead of spending a year just giving one another meaningful looks.”
“I really don’t think I need relationship advice from you.”

Alec sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew that Max was stubborn but her attitude right now went beyond stubborn. If she could just see him as something other than the bad guy, something other than a smart-ass punk who was a borderline sociopath, this would make his job so much easier.

“Look Max, this isn’t about sex. You shouldn’t be alone in a time like this. Go have a cold shower and I’ll make us some coffee,” Alec tiredly said.
“Fine, but don’t even think about trying anything.”
“I won’t.”

Max turned on her heal and made her way to the small bathroom as Alec shot her a dark look. He savoured the sweet taste of victory, no matter how brief it would be.

“What makes you think that I’d even want you like this anyhow? Makes a guy feel real special if you’re only hot for him because of your DNA,” Alec darkly muttered as he starts preparing the coffee.

He’s beyond caring whether or not she can hear him, since it wouldn’t make a difference. She’ll always see him as something that’s beneath her no matter what he does to try to redeem himself in her eyes.


dark angel, max/alec, 2x5obsessions, fic_variations

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