FIC: Family 1/1, FR13, Wesley/Cordelia interaction

Jun 19, 2006 19:19

Title: Family 1/1
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: Wesley/Cordelia interaction
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for 100moods for prompt #90 (silly). Set during ATS Season Two.

As Cordelia stuck her tongue out at Wesley, she knew that it was childish. Just like how their arguments broke down into silly bickering and name-calling was childish. Yet there was something comforting in the familiar actions that they both obviously needed, especially since almost every day saw them putting their lives in harm’s way. And in many ways their silly behaviour was a reaffirmation that they were a family, something that the two of them desperately needed since their biological families had been lacking in the love and warmth departments. Their small trio gave both Wesley and Cordelia more love and warmth than they had ever received from their own parents. She smiled at Wesley as he laughed at her and she knew that it was the little habits like this that strengthened their bonds.


cordelia/wesley, buffyverse, cordelia chase, 100moods

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