Found this floating around somewhere, and I'm thinking about doing it. It just looks like something fun to do, considering how much I love the Beatles. Not sure when I'll get to it, but I'll think about it.
It's a wonderful thing when my parents agree to babysit my two children and give my husband and I a much-needed "date day" together. However, the absence of our children seems to trigger our own "inner child."
So. Since I started up this journal to read Beatles slash, I figure it's only fitting that I do this survey. Just so anyone who is curious can come and get some random facts about me and the Beatles. Enjoy!
This post is more or less just for me to get used to the way the site works. I just wanted to play with a few things so that I don't feel like such a noob. :-D We'll see if that smiley works out. Hmm, I need to figure out this emoticon thing soon. *shrug* They just make things more fun.