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Understudy (Ivy, Dollhouse, G) staringiscaring February 3 2011, 06:14:02 UTC
Ivy knew that one day it would happen. Topher Brink, he of the vitamin C fruit snacks and sterile environments, would get sick. Like so many good things, it came unexpectedly. She stepped into the imprinting room first thing in the morning to see Adelle DeWitt waiting for her with a frown to tell her Topher called in and that there were five dolls to be wiped and three to be printed for the day ( ... )


Re: Understudy (Ivy, Dollhouse, G) the_windowbird February 3 2011, 23:00:05 UTC
This so so freaking awesome, chica.

Seriously. Beaming at the end.


Re: Understudy (Ivy, Dollhouse, G) staringiscaring February 3 2011, 23:03:03 UTC
Thank you! :D

Your comment makes me realize that I need a Ivy icon.


Re: Understudy (Ivy, Dollhouse, G) the_windowbird February 4 2011, 00:27:15 UTC
You DO need an Ivy icon.

Get on that, grrrl.


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